Jay Shetty & His Wife Radhi REVEAL How To AVOID Taking Your PARTNER FOR GRANTED In A Relationship

Radhi and Jay Shetty swap places for one day, living each other’s lives and schedules as if they were the other person. In this video, they share what they learned. Radhi was amazed at the number of hats Jay wears each day. Jay was in awe of Radhi’s recipe creating skills.

When you look at life through someone else’s eyes, you gain a new appreciation for everything they do. Watch the full video to learn more of Radhi and Jay’s takeaways.

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Jay Shetty is a storyteller, podcaster, and former monk who wants to make wisdom go viral. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a monk, and truths he has learned to make others’ lives better.

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Matthew Brewin

Hey, name's Matt. I'm a blogger on LikesInternetMarketing.com, Certified Digital Marketer, and Partner at Internet Profits Ltd.