Video SEO • Youtube Tutorial

Video SEO YouTube Tutorial tips for better rankings on YouTube. Videos that utilize chapters are using a form of schema on there videos. Not only will this feature for videos be helpful for users.

And allow users to find valuable content inside of You-tube videos. But when looking at the source code for a video that has implemented video schema you will find that the keywords are repeated in the source code over and over again.

Adding keywords to the source code can help better describe a video and at the end of the day video search engine optimization is all about keywords. The more keywords in general can mean a more relevant page or in this case video.

I hope that the video SEO tips for YouTube videos have been helful from this tutorial. If you have other questions related to YouTube or SEO or need a tutorial for other search engine or video topics feel free to ask below. I am happy to help anyone with SEO for websites or videos.

Thanks for watching video SEO YouTube Tutorial 2021.
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Chris Palmer Marketing-SEO
30 W Broad St fl2
Tamaqua PA 18252
(570) 550-1912

Matthew Brewin

Hey, name's Matt. I'm a blogger on, Certified Digital Marketer, and Partner at Internet Profits Ltd.