Affiliate SEO Marketing Website 2020 (Case Study)

Affiliate SEO Marketing Website 2020 PART 2 CASE STUDY. This will be a catch up video covering what I have done so far.

We cover some affiliate tips for buying websites and performing optimizations in order to grow them from zero to a hero.

I wanted to document my experience with an affiliate website from start until finish I wanted to get a website that really has nothing going for it and build it into a great website that can earn some commission through affiliate marketing.

Case Study Website:

So what is covered in this affiliate website video.
1. What was done so far
2. Getting ads in place
3. Schema , and some keyword research
4. Optimizations to get ready to make a affiliate profit.
5. Some advice and affiliate tips I hope for anyone wanting to get into affiliate SEO in 2021.

Chris Palmer Marketing-SEO
30 W Broad St fl2
Tamaqua Pa 18252
(570) 550-1912

Matthew Brewin

Hey, name's Matt. I'm a blogger on, Certified Digital Marketer, and Partner at Internet Profits Ltd.