Make Money on Pinterest, Part 2 – Pins, Boards & Automation

Learn how to setup your Pinterest account, your pins and pinterest boards for successful marketing on pinterest. Part 1 of the training is here:

The automation tool shown to reduce the amount of time it takes for pinterest marketing while increasing your reach with your pins is here:

For creating pins fast I recommend using snappa: ( I show step-by-step how to create pins fast in the first video linked above)

For a deeper dive training on Pinterest marketing strategy you can watch this video here-

This blog post will take you through a free Pinterest marketing course if you preferto have a version you can read-

Finally, here is a video that teaches how to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest –

With these three free Pinterest trainings and courses that teach you how to make money pinning you don’t need any of the overpriced Pinterest courses like Pinterest ninja, pinning perfect, In practical, etc.

Pinterest is one of the most valuable marketing channels for many direct to consumer businesses and digital product creators.

With over 330 million pinners they have approximately the population of the United States of America on their platform at least once per month.

Most people who use Pinterest regularly are high earners with a household income level of $75,000 or more and they are planning their future spending by repinning pins to their various boards.

When they choose your pins and re-pin them to their boards this means they are saving your ideas to take action on later.

When those pin ideas you publish that they save our detailed how-to posts, product reviews and other affiliate posts… When the time is ready for them to purchase the product or obtain the results they desire, they will return to your pins and click…

When you set up rich pins correctly as shown in this video using the Pinterest validator and by verifying your website, when they click on that pin they will be redirected to your website and you officially have an interested prospect entering your world through Pinterest marketing.

If you have any questions about marketing on Pinterest or automating the process be sure to reach out in the comments below…

Miles Beckler

Matthew Brewin

Hey, name's Matt. I'm a blogger on, Certified Digital Marketer, and Partner at Internet Profits Ltd.