To Succeed In Business And Life, You Must Have These Two Things

Discover the essential two personal qualities you need to cultivate, in order to succeed in business and life. Whether you work from home in an online business, or you’re still holding down a day job, these two ingredients are critical to your overall success in business, work and life…
“So today… I don’t know what’s happened… But last night, it was around about 8:30 p.m. I just had dinner – made a king prawn curry with whole grain rice and some sweet potato chips (fries for those of you in the USA).
Now, immediately after eating that – got to around about 8:45 almost 9 p.m. and I said… I turned to Robyn, I said, “Y’know, I actually feel a little bit tired.”
We’d just watched an episode of The Blacklist, a series that I love, that I’m following. I don’t watch a lot of television, but I do love a few things – The Blacklist is one of them. Good ol’ Raymond Reddington!

So we’d just finished watching that, and then she put something else on that I’m not fussed by. And I said, “Y’know, I’m feeling a bit tired. I’m gonna go to bed and read.” I think I’ve been talking about this a lot recently.
I Have Been Consuming So Much Knowledge At The Moment
So many books – literally, like at least two a week on average I’d say.
And so, I headed off to bed before 9 p.m. last night, which is pretty early for me. I’m lying in bed and I’m reading… I read for about 4 to 5 minutes, and then I got too tired, put the book down, went to sleep.
Now my sleeping, my body clock, lets me normally sleep for anywhere between 6 to 8 hours. I like to get 8 hours if I can. But y’know, 6, 7, 8 hours – somewhere usually around there.

Today happened to be more closer to 6 hours. Because 3 o’clock came along and BOOM! I was wide awake – could not sleep. So I actually read for another two hours in bed. The cool thing is, I’ve got a Kindle Fire. So I don’t have to put the lights on and disturb Robyn, cos it’s got a back-lit screen.
So I read for two more hours. Got up, got ready. Now it’s just before 7:00 a.m. and I’m on the way to start and dominate my day. And that’s something I just want to talk about. It’s not about getting up early or anything like that – it’s just kind of what started my day off today, and how that all came about.
But as an entrepreneur… Actually, as a person, as a human… I want you to know that…

You Are The Captain Of Your Ship, The Controller Of Your Destiny
…The controller of each and every one of your days – the controller of your future.
And you choose how you live, right? You are the controller of that – you are the captain of your ship. This life that you live – you are the captain of it. You are the one in charge, you are the one that makes your choices. You’re the one that chooses to do something, or not do something… And there’s no middle ground.
People say, “Ah, that wasn’t in my control.” Well y’know, usually when you trace things back, many things are in your control. Now, I know there are certain things that are not, Obviously not everything is in everybody’s control 100% of the time. But you get the drift of what I’m talking about, I’m sure.

You have to choose to live life how you want to live. And choose to live with purpose. You have to choose to be fulfilled. You have to make choices that dictate how your life is gonna go.
I’m continually reminded… It wasn’t that long ago I was attending a funeral for one of my old bosses, where I used to work… Incidentally, back in 2004 when I first discovered people were making money online, the people that I used to work for, were actually family friends as well – friends of my mum.
Sadly she passed away, and she was a similar sort of age to my mum actually. When you think about this stuff, you just don’t know what’s coming around the corner. And…
You See So Many People Just Drifting Through Life

There’s so many people living ‘negatively’. They think, “I’m not where I want to be because of this.” Or, “I’m not happy because of that person”, or, “…that circumstance.” Or y’know, “Well, it’s not my fault.”
And I think sometimes, it’s like… If I look back when I’ve had those frames of mind myself, you’re really not helping yourself. And one of the things I’ve learned – and some people say, “This is ‘woo-woo’. This is all woo-woo nonsense.”
But I truly, truly believe in the power of your mind – the power of positivity – and the power of belief.
How To Succeed In Business And In Life
Y’know, the problem that most people have is… It’s very easy to be confident and positive when things are going good in life…

It is NOT easy to have that same mentality, when things are going against you. When things are failing, struggling, aren’t going right – when things that you worked hard on, go wrong – when things that you strive towards, don’t play out how you’d hoped.
It is not easy to be motivated and get up every day, fighting, when the chips are stacked against you, and you feel like nothing’s going your way. Everything you do goes wrong, everything you try doesn’t work. It is not easy to keep getting up.
But as Rocky Balboa said…
It’s not about how hard you can hit… It’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forwards.
Right? How many knocks you can take, and still get up every single day, ready to tackle that day head-on.
I’ve been in this game… I’ve run this business for ten years… Well, I left my job nine years ago. So nine years ago, I started my company. And I can tell you categorically now, as I look back and review it, that…
The Biggest Difference Between People That Succeed In Business, And Those Who Fail
…or people that don’t progress – is really nothing to do with information.

Because… And it’s nothing to do with with money or resources. ‘Cos all of those things – information, money, opportunity – we could put it all into the category of “resource”. All resources are available if you are ‘resourceful’ enough to go out and get them, to go out and find them, and not take “No” for an answer. You just have to become resourceful.
So what is the difference then? If it’s not information, opportunity, money, or resources – then what is it? It’s the person, the mindset, the heart – it’s the head and the heart.
Do you have the mindset to do it? And is your heart in the game? And I would strongly say to anybody, these the things you’ve got to work on first.
Because resources can be found or produced somehow, someway, right? Whether you have to get an extra job, and work evenings as well as your day job. Or whether you have to get a loan, credit cards, sell items from around the house, buy stuff cheap on ebay to sell locally on Craigslist, or whatever.

There Are So Many Ways That You Can Become Resourceful
Information… The Internet is information! Opportunity… There’s no coaching or consulting that I’ve ever invested in, that’s given me the knowledge I have today, that you couldn’t invest in too. These people are out there.
Right, so… Information – anyone can get, it’s all around us. Resources – anyone can be resourceful. So what is the different? It’s the heart, and the head. The mindset to do it.
The heart has to be in the game to be determined. The head has to be in the right frame of mind to make it forwards. Because you will fail more than you succeed. (Oh crap, did I just NOT say that “business is easy?”) No! You are going to fail more than you will succeed in business.
And your mind has to be able to cope with that. Your heart has to keep getting you up every day, and has to be in the game. Yeah, that is what I wanted to share today.

So I’m here Internet Profits HQ. It is now just after 7:00 a.m. First in, probably gonna be last out maybe, we’ll see. But today I’m excited. I’m loving everything…
I am going to America in a couple of days. I’m actually flying over to the U.S. Going on an Eastern Caribbean cruise and a ‘Mastermind’ with some amazing people. Then speaking at Funnel Hacking Live – sharing the stage with amazing people like Russell Brunson, Tony Robbins, Jason Flatley, and lots of other amazing, amazing entrepreneurs.
(Check out Dean’s video diary of this trip here “Dean Holland’s Amazing Trip To Speak At Funnel Hacking Live In 2018“.)
I will of course see you back here again on The Drive soon. Thanks for watching. Dean Holland signing out for another day.”
So, to sum Dean up here then… In order to succeed in business and life, you must have that critical ‘head and heart’ combination of a positive mindset together with the heart of a fighter. These two essential qualities, when you’ve developed them, will be naturally self-reinforcing – and without which, you’re much less likely to succeed in business and in life.
Thanks for sharing your tips!
You’re welcome 🙂