How To Prioritize Tasks In Your Online Business To Boost Income

Are you clear about which tasks are driving the results in your business, and those which are not? Learning how to prioritize tasks in your online business might be the most important business skill you ever develop. So here’s a simple tip for how you can achieve much more in your business, starting right now…
“Good morning my friend, how are you doing? Welcome to today’s Drive. So today… What day is it? Is it Friday? Haha, I have no idea what day it is. I’m just gonna assume it’s Friday. If it’s not Friday, then what the heck.
For me, every day is a good day. Every day is the same, in the sense of – it really doesn’t matter what day this to me. I stopped caring what day it was not too long after I stopped working at the construction company all those years ago.
Every day is a glorious day, every day is my day to own. That’s how I view it. Whether it’s Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, whatever. That’s how everybody should be living their lives. Doing something they enjoy, so it doesn’t matter what day it is. Whether it’s the weekend or a weekday, be doing something you’re passionate about.

So, a bit of a weekly roundup. I know a lot of times, on Friday, I would be in the office doing a bit of a weekly recap. But, you know what? I didn’t know it was Friday until just a second ago, when I thought about it! And so, here I am in the car doing The Drive, on the way to Internet Profits HQ.
Let me give you a bit of a lowdown as to what’s been happening this week.
I’ve put a lot of my attention this week into what we’re calling…
“The Best Webinar Ever”
Especially if you are an affiliate marketer with an audience in the internet marketing space. If you have an email list, and an audience of people that are looking to, or are starting or growing an online-based business…
What we’re about to come out with next month (you can find it here right now), is going to blow out of the water anything you have ever promoted or being involved with in the past. We have put our blood, sweat and tears into this.

The first time we did this webinar campaign, we only did it with a handful of people. I’m talking less than five. And it generated millions of dollars. Some of those people made anywhere from about fifty thousand dollars, up to six hundred thousand dollars.
So it’s pretty exciting that we took that away, evolved it, consulted with some of the best of the best. Like, Russell Brunson has been helping and advising me on it. And we brought some of the best campaign scripters in, who are about to start working on this stuff.
And yes, that’s kind of been a major focus of the week. But you know me well enough by now – you know that I do a lot! We get a lot done here at Internet Profits. And I think there’s a lesson in that…
How To Prioritize Tasks In Your Online Business To Boost Income
I mentioned this briefly the other day, that you need to think about each day, and each week… What is ‘the big thing’ that, if I get done today or this week, is going to have the biggest impact in my business?
So for me, I know this webinar that we’ve been focused on heavily this week, is going to make tens of millions of dollars, directly and indirectly. It’s going to be responsible for tens of millions of dollars, over the next 12 months alone! Ten million dollars plus is the goal.

And so, is that one of the biggest, most profitable and impactful things I could do this week? YES!
Whilst a lot of people would be doing things like, you know, “I got stuck this week on a technical glitch, or with my autoresponder.” Or “I’m trying to figure something out with an email.” Or “I was trying to fix my blog.” and so on…
And the whole week’s just gone by, and how did your business move forwards? “It didn’t, but I had to fix this thing.” Did You?? Does fixing it have a massive impact in your business? Does it really?
That’s what you’ve got to look at – how to prioritize tasks in your online business. You have to look at these things. Now I’m not suggesting like, “Oh my things broken. I’m gonna leave it.” No! If it’s going to take you a week, and somebody could be outsourced on to do that thing in a day for fifty dollars… What makes sense?
You spend a week trying to figure it out? Or spend fifty bucks? You know what I mean? You’ve gotta weigh these things up
Work With The 80/20 Principle…
80% of your time on the most impactful, profitable, income producing activities. Make sure you’ve got that ratio. 20% – that can go into fixing all the crap, or doing all those other little bits, okay? Make sure that’s the case. That’s how to prioritize tasks in your online business.

I’ve also actually been creating a case study this week of a free traffic generation system for our Certified Partners. A lot of people want to start out – or feel more comfortable starting out – with free traffic, rather than paid traffic.
Of course, we always make the important point that there is no such thing as ‘free’ traffic. But nonetheless, this gets put into the ‘free traffic’ category.
So yeah, we’ve been doing a live case study. Something that has been able to get me customers every day for free, for the last few days since I started it. And we’ve been documenting the process. Something that anybody can do. It’s basically an attraction marketing strategy.
But like I say, I think that is my biggest piece of advice for you today on how to prioritize tasks in your online business. Make sure you’re spending eighty percent – at least eighty percent of your time – on the tasks and the things in your business that have the MOST impact on your income.
If you’re not, then you’re focused on the wrong areas. If you can’t look at what you did this week and say, “Most of the stuff I did this week is having a direct impact on my results and my income.” Then you’ve got to change it.
Take Responsibility To Prioritize Tasks In Your Business
And that’s for you to review, and take that responsibility for your business. This weekend – have a look at it. Say, “Right, what did I spend the last five, six, seven days doing in my business? And how did it impact my results?” Okay?

And if you say, “Well actually, I haven’t impacted my results in any way. Because most of this week was taken up on this stupid technical thing that I got stuck on and hung up on this week.” Then you’ve got to think like, “How do I make sure that doesn’t happen again?” Right?
We live in this glorious world where you can find anyone to do anything for your business. We use a lot, to be able to advertise stuff that we need doing, and find someone.
For small tasks and certain things, we also use We use them for all kinds of things – little techy things and voiceover stuff. So you can find the people. Don’t waste your time. Time is something you can’t get back. You can ‘win’ your time by spending some money.
That’s how life needs to be thought about, as an entrepreneur; “What is going to ‘cost’ me more? My time, or my money?”
So with that said, thank you for watching and joining us here on today’s Drive. Time to jump in and round the week up with a bang. Until next time with “Surround Yourself With Positive People Who Inspire And Motivate You“, take care. Good bye for now.”