The Importance Of Urgency: Create A Sense Of Urgency In Yourself

Dean returns from Funnel Hacking Live with a BIG lesson to share in today’s ‘Drive’, about the importance of urgency and why you really need to create a sense of urgency in yourself and in your business…
“Good morning everybody, this is Dean here, en route to Internet Profits HQ. It is actually 7:50 in the morning. Getting a nice early-ish start this morning, because we’ve got lots and lots planned here in the office.

In fact, this is kind of a big day for all of us… Because I’m actually going in there this morning with the full intention that myself and the team (or those that can attend at least) are having a good, long meeting this morning. I’m kind of calling it…
“The New Beginning” Or “The New Chapter”
Not externally… But kind of internally. I’m about to make a lot of improvements, based on things that I’ve learned, and people that advised and helped me over the last few weeks.
You see, this one of the massive things that’s happened over the last few weeks. Obviously, yes, I have been to Funnel Hacking Live. I’ve been on a “Mastermind” cruise. And y’know, I’ve had an amazing time over the last three weeks.

But, make no mistake, it was heavily focused on work, okay? And so I was learning from a lot of different, amazing people that have done a lot of different, amazing things, in a lot of different businesses and niches. So I’m taking lots of this great stuff, and I’m bringing it back to my team now, to say, “This is how we’re going to operate now. This is how we’re going to structure a few things. And this is how we’re now going forwards.”
The Importance Of Urgency To Avoid Slipping Back
And this is the message for today, that I just want to discuss with everybody. It’s to create a sense of urgency in yourself. You see, one of my mistakes over the years… ‘Cos I’ve been to tons of events – I used to go all the time – and they used to be in England a lot… But one of the things was – I used to come back, and quickly revert back to exactly how things were.

So I used to hear lots of good stuff, take lots of good stuff from entrepreneurs like me. But then I’d come home and slip right back into the same patterns, the same routines, the same bad habits. And instead of improving myself, and continually growing and developing as an individual, as a leader, as an entrepreneur – I would just slide straight back into how things were.
Create A Sense Of Urgency In Yourself
And I realised this toxic pattern that I was in – where I’d go to events or “masterminds”. I’d learn some great new things – things that I knew could help our company, our clients, our processes, our team… But I’d listen to it, I’d write it down, I’d take notes on it – and then I’d come straight back, and within a week and done nothing with it. And slid right back into old routines.

Because ultimately, it’s easy to continue on as you are. Y’know, change, or admitting you need to change, admitting you can be better, isn’t always easy, right? In order to admit that we can change for the better, we have to admit that things weren’t right. And to admit things weren’t right, is to admit that you weren’t doing things correctly, or you messed up. Or any of those things that no one likes to really admit to themselves.
So this is what I want to say… Whenever you are in a position where you’re learning, whether that’s through an online course, a coaching class, or a physical thing, like going to an event, a seminar, or you’re part of a “mastermind”, make sure that you create a sense of urgency in yourself and…
Make Sure That You Are Taking Immediate Action

…especially on the key things that you know and believe can dramatically help you, and make a difference.
I’m not talking about trying to do everything, right? If I tried to do everything I’ve learned from people over the last three weeks, I would probably do nothing – because of the paralysation factor, in that there was so much.
But there are key things – key, significant implementations – that I can do, that can lead to a dramatic outcome. This is the importance of urgency. You have to take immediate, fast action. You have to implement fast, and you have to create a sense of urgency in yourself.

So that’s my message of the day. If you’re seeing this, and you’re at Funnel Hacking Live, or you’ve got any kind of course, program, products, opportunity to further yourself as an individual, or your business, to further your impact… Then make sure you act with urgency. Make sure you take fast action – you implement, you improve, you change, and you go fast. Because that’s ultimately the only way to better yourself, and everything you’re doing.
With that said, we are here at Internet Profits HQ of course. This is Dean Holland. Thank you for joining me on today’s Drive. I will of course see you back here in “How To Overcome Customer Resistance With This Disney World Tip” – another episode of The Drive. Until then, take care. Bye for now.”
In summary then, are you’re going through a spurt of education or knowledge gathering in order to better yourself or build your business in some way? Dean’s message here is that its vital to create a sense of urgency in yourself, in order to implement and incorporate relevant new knowledge into your business or your life. So the importance of urgency to implement is paramount, when you’ve just finished a stage in your education.