Business Organisational Structure: Taking Yours To The Next Level

Knowing how to optimise your business organisational structure, whatever the size of your operation, brings a raft of efficiency benefits which enable a more rapid growth of business. Here’s Dean Holland with news on how he’s about to improve the organisational structure of his business at Internet Profits…
“I’ll bring you up to date on some of the big exciting developments of this week here at Internet Profits…
One of the biggest realisations I had a few weeks ago, when I was on a cruise/mastermind. So if you’ve been following The Drive, you will have seen that I was on a “mastermind”, on a cruise, for seven days with some amazing people.

Some of these people were running seven-figure a month businesses, with 30+ staff. And seeing how they structure things at that size, and of that level, was a real eye-opener for me. A real epiphany and revelation.
Business Organisational Structure – Using Divisions Or Departments
Because, what I saw was… To have a complete, proper and effective team structure – they had divisions or departments. So they would have, like, an advertising department, and a content department, and this, and that, and so on.
And everybody had their responsibilities and key performance indicators (KPIs) within their specific departments. So everybody knew who was responsible for delivering what. When you look at that systemised business organisational structure as a whole, it all works together.

Every division, and every person, is important to delivering the results of the business. And when I looked at this, it was like a real big epiphany to me.
Because, although we don’t have anywhere near that many staff, and we’re not currently that size of company… I realised that even if you’re a smaller business/company, team wise, revenue wise, whatever – it should still be structured like a large business.
I looked at how we structure things at Internet Profits. And yeah, obviously everybody has their own role, everybody has their own responsibilities, everybody knows what they’re doing. But it wasn’t quite right.
Our New Business Organisational Structure At Internet Profits

And so, last week I introduced the team to how we’re going to go forwards now, in divisions and in departments.
In this next seven days, it’s me finalising the arrangements of that, and sitting with each department or division individually. So that everybody’s clear on what their individual or team/division’s responsibilities are. And what they’ve got to deliver.
And then, sitting down with the team as a whole next week, to say this is how we’re now going to operate as a team. How everyone’s responsibilities are integral to the overall results that we’re able to deliver to our clients, and for our business. And how this will directly affect the value which we give, which we offer.
So that’s kind of what’s going on. We’re really separating things up – but bringing it together at the same time. And it is probably…
One Of The Most Exciting Things I’ve Realised Over The Last Year

If you’ve been following along or been a customer of ours for at least a year… You’ll know that, I think it was this time last year, we actually moved into our offices here now, and began some huge improvement and changes. To change who we serve, to change who we work with, to change the type of customers and clients we attract.
And it’s been a rocky road of discovery and figuring things out. It’s definitely not been as straightforward as I anticipated. Everything took a lot longer, everything’s been a lot more costly.
But now it feels like it’s all finally coming together. And we’re almost there. We’ve almost got it right. Because we’ve been trialling and testing, internally mostly. Anyone else, externally, would not have seen all this. But now it’s finally coming together.
And so that’s what this next week is all about… Structurally implementing a new set up – an improved setup – an operating procedure within the business organisational structure.

And this is what I would say to you…
Even If You Are Just A Business Of One
Meaning if you, right now – whether you’re still working in a full-time job, or you’re running your own business full-time. Whether you are a business of one, or whether you are a business of two, or ten, or whatever…
You should look at operating in that way. Because when you’re a business of one, all the responsibilities are on your shoulders.
So YOU are your content department, YOU are your advertising department, YOU are your product department, YOU are your coaching department, fulfilment department, whatever type of business… You’re ALL departments!

When there’s two of you, you split those responsibilities between two. When there’s three, they can divide between three, and so on and so forth.
But make sure that everybody knows what their responsibilities are, and what they’re in charge of, and what they’ve got to deliver… Even if it is just you. It’s an exciting thing, and I’m excited to see, and I already know, the difference this is going to make.
So that’s us for this week. Lot’s happening, lot’s of exciting stuff. And I will of course see you back here again in “To Be An Affiliate Marketer Online, You Must Have This Success Mindset” another episode of The Drive. Until then, take care. Bye bye for now.”