Secrets Of Successful Online Businesses And Why Others Fail Online

There are some critically important factors which distinguish successful online businesses from those doomed to fail. Here are some of the key elements you need to have in place if you want to build your own online business successfully…
“A lot of people don’t want to hear the truth. They’re happy to just believe something else, and keep saying one certain thing, believing what they want to believe. But today, I’m gonna share the truth with you.

So if you’re not getting the results that you want in your online business, I’m gonna tell you exactly what separates those that succeed, and those that don’t…
Good morning everybody, it is Dean here of course. Thank you for joining me here on this journey. What a glorious day! A glorious, busy week. Gosh, I think this is the busiest I have ever been!
I think I’ve got the most to accomplish and get done this week, than any other week I can remember. It is that busy! And y’know, it makes me think about something.

A lot of people aren’t getting the results they want. Lots of people are struggling to even get out the starting gate – off the starting blocks – of their business. And I’ve been there. I understand – I get it.
When I was struggling, I wanted to believe that there was an easy way. I wanted to believe that it didn’t have to be difficult. Wanted to believe that there was some magic bullet to build successful online businesses – as an affiliate marketer, for example. Which is what I was started out as, and how I grew a business.

I tried believing that for years and…
That Belief Cost Me Four And A Half Years Of My Life
…in a living hell. Living a literal nightmare! It cost me over sixty thousand dollars, without even making a single sale – cost me a lot.
Now this is the problem I see with this industry… People don’t want the truth. They don’t want to hear that it takes hard work. Don’t want to hear that it takes a solid work ethic and sacrifice. They don’t want to hear that it takes money to build a business. People don’t want to hear it.

They want to hear, “Oh, you can get started with no money, and very little effort. And you can get started just by buying a hundred dollar e-book or video course – that’s all you need.”
But the reality is – unless you want to go through years and years of trial and error, and pain – there are certain things that you must accept. And there are certain changes that you have to personally make.
Secrets Of Successful Online Businesses
Y’know, it’s often said that change actually starts on the inside. And it’s absolutely true. I’m often asked, “What is it that separates those who build successful online businesses, from those who do not?” There are several things. But one of the biggest… Mindset!

And mindset comes down to not only knowing the truth, but embracing it and accepting it. Mindset – as in – you have to commit. As in – understanding that it’s going to take sacrifice. Understanding that this is a real business.
People just think of it as ‘making money online’. How the heck do you make money online? You sell something to someone, somewhere else in the world. So, when you sell something…
…I could be sat at my desk today, and I’m gonna be selling stuff all day with my online business. But it doesn’t just appear from out of the ether into my bank account. It’s not just numbers on the screen.

Someone, somewhere else in the world, has pulled out a credit card and sees the value in what I’m offering them. And they’re making that payment from their account to mine.
It’s an exchange of value taking place. It is business that I’m running. And the business is centred on giving value in order to receive value back.
Giving MORE Value Than You Expect To Receive Back
You have to understand that.
Another difference is, those that put in the work – but not just those that put in the hours…. Because lots of people are putting in a lot of hours. Many people will put in more hours than me, to get less results.

I remember there were times where I would go to my full-time job, and I would be there like eight/nine sometimes more hours a day, including commuting. I would come home, walk my dog, have some dinner. And then I’d rush upstairs to my computer that was in the corner of my bedroom… And I’d sit there all night, until the early hours of the morning. Only maybe getting two or three hours sleep before I had to get up to go to my full-time job again.
I felt like there was nothing more I could possibly do. Yet I wasn’t making any money. I wasn’t getting any results.
This is NOT about the amount of hours you put in. It’s about what you’re doing in those hours. So you’ve got to work hard… But
You’ve Gotta Work Hard On The Right Things

…in the right areas. You’ve got to be applying yourself in the right direction. And you’ve got to have the right tools. Two people can be digging a hole. But if one person’s using the wrong tool, they’re not gonna get very far.
So there’s a LOT that separates those who succeed in business from those who do not. But most of all, it is understanding the reality. It’s understanding the truth, accepting the truth, and working with it.
You have to work hard. And you have to work smart. You’d be well-advised to get some help – mentoring, coaching, support. And you’d also be well-advised to take the path of least resistance, to get from where you are, to where you want to be.
Okay, so I could talk on this subject for hours and hours. But we’ve got so much to do.

We’ve got the Affiliate Marketer’s Playbook – sharing the only way left for the ‘little guy’, the average person, to actually succeed without tech skills, without creating products, and without personally selling anything themselves…
And finally letting the truth out about the affiliate marketing industry. Because affiliate marketing as everyone else knows it, is dead. This industry is dead. It’s gone. And nobody’s talking about it… Well I’m about to.
If you want this book for free, you need to go right now to this link before the 1,000 free copies that we’ve had printed are all gone.
So with that said, I will of course be back soon with “Do You Need To Get A Reality Check In Your Life Or Business?” – another episode of The Drive. Thank you for taking this journey with me. We’re here at Internet Profits HQ. Have a great day. Bye bye for now.”
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