Building A Website Or Blog – Domain Name And Hosting

As an internet marketer, you need your own website or blog. There’s not really any getting around this I’m afraid.
There are two essentials you will need for this, and those are:
- a domain name (eg. “”) and
- a hosting platform.
This is simply a general overview of the steps you need to take in order to obtain your domain name and hosting account and link them together so you can then get on with the task of building a website or blog.
Now, many domain name sellers (or registrars) offer hosting services as well. However, I would advise you use a separate, dedicated hosting company. It works well for me and most internet marketers will likely advise you to do the same.
Which Domain Name to Buy?
One of my favourite sites to help me brainstorm and find the best domain name possible is
Just plug two or three words and it comes back to you with all the available domains across a range of categories like; Common, New, Short, Similar, SEO, etc. Fantastic!
My Recommended Domain Name and Hosting
Here are the companies I use and also recommend to you:
Domain Names
For your domain names, is one of the most popular domain name registrars.
Web Hosting
For hosting, I would recommend for their cost and especially their excellent support.
Domain Name Servers
Once you have invested in both your domain and hosting, login to your hosting account’s cPanel / Control Panel or its equivalent depending on your hosting provider. Then find the two or three “Name Servers”, sometimes located at the bottom left of cPanel.
Now go back and log in to your domain name registrar. Then go to your domain name and find its Manage Name Servers settings.
There will likely be four fields available. Just copy/paste in your host’s two name servers into the first and second fields, then delete the 3rd and 4th fields and save the settings.
It can take up to 24 hours for the DNS (Domain Name System) to update with these new settings before you can get started with your new website.
And that’s the basics of what you need to know about domain name and hosting building a website or blog.
Next Step – Your WordPress Website
Once this is done, you can proceed to install the framework or content management system for your website / blog, which I recommend should be WordPress, the most popular blogging platform and it’s free!
Here’s a simple overview of the basics of how to install and set up your WordPress site…