Tips For Content Marketing: Get Started As A Content Marketer Today

Some inspiration and tips for content marketing beginners today. If you think that nobody’s interested in what you’ve got to say, you’re wrong! There’s always an audience that you’re a little bit further down the road from, that will more closely resonate with your story than with any of the big name content marketers out there…
“Well, I’ve got something pretty quick, but pretty awesome – should be pretty helpful for you – that I want to share today.
So yesterday… Y’know, we work with a lot of people. We’ve got a lot of clients, Certified Partners, and customers… And I’ve seen something continually coming up, especially when we’re teaching and advising in certain areas.

Now one of those areas is content creation. Because obviously, whenever you are looking to get traffic online, you have to produce some form of content, right? You are either creating a written content piece, or you’re producing a video piece, or an audio piece…
One Way Or Another, Content Has To Be Created
I remember, if I go way back to the earlier days of my business, I used to have this belief deep inside that I had nothing of value to share. And I also thought, “Why would anyone want to listen to me? There are far more successful people in the world than me. Why would anyone want to listen to little old me?”

And it was only thanks to the advice of a mentor that I got then, that made me believe enough to try this – that I got to actually realise the reality of the situation. That actually I did have a voice, and people did want to hear from me.
You see, one of the things is… You might look at people that are more successful than you, that have better results than you, that seem more confident than you, that don’t seem to worry as much as you do about getting on camera. All that kind of stuff.
So, you see all that – and it can make you have this feeling of, “Why would anyone want to listen to me?” But the reality is that different people are all at different stages in life… On their journey to wherever they’re going, and where they want to be.

And depending on where you’re at, you can convey certain things, and certain lessons, and certain understandings.
I want you to remember this as one of the best tips for content marketing. I think this is an amazing way of looking at things.
You Are Writing A Page Of Your Book Every Single Day
If your life were a book, and each day were a page, you are writing a page of your book every single day. ‘Cos in every single day, there are 24 hours. And in every single 24-hour period, something is happening in your world and in your life.

And so, when it comes down to creating content and putting stuff out there on the Internet, you have all the information you need. Because all the information you need, is being given to you by your experiences in your day-to-day existence.
So whenever you feel like, “I don’t have anything worth sharing.” Or, “I don’t have any value to give.” Or, “Why would anyone listen to me?”… I want you to realise that – it’s your experiences that you are living, that people are interested in.
It’s your experiences, whether good or bad, that people can learn from. And the moment you have enough belief in realising that – at least to give you enough confidence to take that first step, to put that first video online, do that first Facebook Live, that first written post sharing something… That’s the moment things start getting easier.

And guess what? I am gonna allay your suspicions, or confirm them… At first you’re not gonna be great. In fact, you may indeed suck – unless you’re one of the fortunate, lucky few that have that natural born ability, Very few people have it though.
I didn’t… Gosh, you would laugh your ass off if you saw my first videos. In fact I might dig them out for you. I’m sure they’re still on YouTube somewhere.
Best Tips For Content Marketing Beginners
But anyway, that’s my message for today. You’ve got to get putting stuff out. You’ve got to put yourself out there, and not worry about being judged. NOT worry about people not liking you. NOT think that you’ve got nothing of value to share.

Because, here’s the reality… People will judge you. Not everybody will like you. Not everything you do will be great. And you will make mistakes. I’ve confirmed that for you now – so you’ve got nothing to worry about. Because everything you believe, is probably going to happen in that respect.
But do you have stuff to share? Would people be interested in listening to you? Have you got value to give? Absolutely! Because every single day of your life, you’re writing a new page in your book… So get out there, and share it as new content marketers.
Thank you very much for joining me here in today’s Drive. Have a great rest of your week. I will be back soon with “Business Organisational Structure: Taking Yours To The Next Level” – another episode of The Drive. Until then, take care, bye for now.
Hope you’ve been inspired and motivated by these tips for content marketing today from Dean. Stop worrying about being judged. Put yourself out there, and go find your audience as a content marketer.
Content marketing always key…thanks for this, I will definitely look for more of your articles!
Agreed. Curating and re-purposing content is working well for me.
Thanks for your comment, Adriana,