Internet Marketing Guru Fakers, Liars, Cheats, And BS Marketing Products

Dean has a plan to level the playing field for internet marketing and affiliate marketing beginners. He starts here with a scathing attack on all the internet marketing guru fakers, who are pretending to be something they’re not, while taking your hard earned money…
“Liars! Cheats! Thieves! Scammers! Internet marketing guru fakes, and their BS products… This is my declaration of war, in the affiliate marketing and internet marketing industry.
So let me take you back to 2004. I was in my early twenties, working in a bar serving drinks, working six or seven days a week. And I was on minimum wage.

I started looking for ways to make some extra money, and I found affiliate marketing. And I was completely blown away!
I was excited by what I found. I started reading all these internet marketing guru sales pages, all these claims. Started seeing all these people that, seemingly with very little work and very little effort, we’re getting absolutely rich and wealthy on the internet.
And I thought, “I could do this. This doesn’t look hard, this doesn’t look tough.” So I started this process, where I would join forums and scroll through the articles, read internet marketing blogs, and be on social media, and all that kind of stuff.
Before long I start thinking, “Well, if I just buy this plugin… If I just buy this course, this ebook, or program… Then my life’s gonna change.”
Internet Marketing Guru Fakes, Liars And Thieves!

A lot of these programs were being sold to me in a way of, y’know, “Magic software creates cash-producing websites in three clicks of a mouse…” And I believed it all. Y’know, kind of naive now, right? I can look back and say, like, “What kind of idiot was I, to believe that type of stuff?”
But when it’s constantly rammed down your throat by so many internet marketing gurus, what else are you supposed to believe? If you take people on face value – on their word – then you would believe them, of course. Because none of us like to think people would be lying to us.
By 2008, I was in over sixty thousand dollars of debt, five credit cards, two bank loans, and a minus three thousand dollar bank account. All the while, nobody in my life even knew. My life was… In my day-to-day existence…
I Was So Scared, So Afraid, So Crippled With Fear
…that I had no idea what to do. And today, many years on, thankfully I’ve been able to turn that around.
Thankfully I got a mentor, and I learned the truth. I learned how to do things correctly. And now I’ve been helping hundreds and hundreds of others to follow in my footsteps – and build a business the right way.

But that’s not what this is about today. This is about today… A declaration of war against those internet marketing guru types that do that kind of BS stuff!
So if you’re one of those people that has been fooled by a lot of those hyped up, oversold claims… That magic software, that magic “pill” to overnight success and riches untold, with no work… Don’t feel ashamed, because I was tricked just like you were. But…
We Have To Take A Stand – We Have To Say, “No More!”
You see, you absolutely can build an online business the right way, and change your life for the better, for you and your family.
But here’s the truth… It is going to take work – it is going to take some effort – it is going to take some time… And, yes, you will need a little money – at least for the bare essentials…
The bare essentials for any affiliate marketer are website hosting, a domain name, and an autoresponder.

Now of course, then you’re going to need the correct knowledge and information to do it… And so I’ve prepared this free product, called the Affiliate Marketer’s Playbook…
I really want to just clean this industry up. And I hope you’ll take a declaration with me, and join me in cleaning up this industry, whilst you build your business the right way.”
So then, Dean reckons he’s laid out the most realistic and honest plan for affiliate marketing beginners in his free Affiliate Marketer’s Playbook. But what do you think? Pick up a free copy, and see for yourself… The Playbook comes with an accompanying 6 part video training series, and an audiobook version as well (read by Dean).
See you next time with “Tips For Content Marketing: Get Started As A Content Marketer Today” – the next episode of The Drive with Dean Holland.