Business Mindset Tip: Is There An Easy Way To Make Money Fast?

There is a big misconception in the business mindset of people in the internet marketing / affiliate marketing space. And you’ve really got to be careful who you listen to. Because, to be honest, if you go about believing this – then you’re going to struggle, and you’re gonna lose, you’re gonna fail.
So I need to talk about this today. I need to share what this is. And share the real answer – the real solution to this misconception – and what the reality is, so you can actually get the results you desire in your online business.
Good morning, welcome to another episode of The Drive. It is Dean here of course, en route to Internet Profits HQ. Sun is shining and what a glorious, glorious day it is.

There is a big, big, humongous misconception in the online marketing industry. It’s like the pink elephant in the room that everybody’s just walking around saying, and stating, and believing. But the reality is that it’s just not true.
And it’s causing more and more people, I believe, to struggle and stay stuck – and have the wrong mindset, and the wrong outlook of an online business. Therefore, that business mindset holds them still, holds them stuck. It confines them.
Believe Me, I Used To Have This Business Mindset Myself
I used to believe this too. So you know I’m not attacking anyone that believes this here and now. But where you will deserve to kind of stay stuck is, if you don’t listen and take on board what I’m about to say, and do something about it.

So let me take you way back, early 2000’s – 2004, 2005, 2006 – something like that.
I was working in a bar, in a pub, here in England. And I was working basically six nights a week, six days a week. I was working what’s called split shifts. So I would start working 11:00 a.m. and finish at 3:00 p.m. I’d have about 45 minute drive home. Then I would go back and start work at 7:00 p.m. until about 11:00 p.m. or 12:00 midnight.
I would do that six days a week, with one day off a week. And for that type of job, to be honest, the pay wasn’t that good. I’m trying to think back. I was on about £12,000 p.a. which is probably, in today’s conversions, I don’t know, about $15,000.
And so, I wasn’t on great money. I was doing a lot of work for the money I was on. I wasn’t in debt – I didn’t have debts at this stage…
But I Wasn’t Living The Life I Wanted To

That’s what actually allowed me – thankfully, I’m very grateful for that situation now… It was that which prompted me to find internet marketing and affiliate marketing. Because I was in search of ways to make more money, and I wasn’t happy with my situation.
But the key is, I wasn’t in debt at that stage.
Now, because of what I began to read, and what I began to learn, and the types of products I began to buy, and the information I began to believe, okay? And this where it becomes essential, that you’re very mindful over who you choose to listen to.
Because of the stuff I chose to believe… I thought that I could essentially get rich easy and quick online. Thought there wasn’t going to be much to it – that I could just buy a product, follow the course and get riches untold.

And because of that mentality, I just kept throwing money, after money, after money on bad product, after bad product. Also on good products that I failed to fully follow through on, and commit myself to.
I wasn’t looking to work hard and build a business. I wasn’t looking to add value.
I Was Just Looking For An Easy Way To Make Money Fast
Because of that, I ended up getting into severe, severe debt. Literally over the first four years of trying to get rich quick online, I didn’t make a penny. And I spent in excess of $60,000. I had five credit cards and two sizeable bank loans into the five figures.
Things were really, really bad. And nobody in my life knew.
Now I’m not here to talk about that story so much. But there’s an important reason why I had to share a bit of backstory to this. You see, because of all of that, I ended up in severe debt and I was in a very poor financial situation. A financial crisis if you like, by my mid-twenties.

But I was four years into learning internet marketing and affiliate marketing.
Now everything changed for me when I got a mentor and joined a coaching program – invested the last bit I could on a credit card, to join a coaching program. And that was the turnaround.
Here’s The Thing…
Often, when people would hear my back story, and that of many others online – it leads you to believe that you can come into online marketing in a financial crisis and turn your situation around quickly and get rich.
I’m very fortunate that I’ve been able to build a successful company, be involved many successful businesses, learn from amazing people, and go on to live a much better lifestyle than I was many years ago, ten/twelve years ago.
Because of that story, people sometimes choose to believe,
Well, I’m broke. I’m financially in a crisis. I have no funds, no access to money. But I can use internet marketing and become an affiliate to get rich and turn myself around. And everything will be amazing!
But it’s just not true. Internet marketing and affiliate marketing is not a path out of a severe financial crisis.
Why do I say this? Because you have to have correct expectations. You have to have a realistic head-space on your shoulders…
The Correct Mind-Frame And Business Mindset
It is going to take you some money, right?
If I had not invested in a mentor, for example, I guarantee you I wouldn’t even be in internet marketing now, because I would’ve had nothing left. Maybe I would have somehow been able to get back into it, but I don’t know – it’s questionable. The mentoring, the investment into that help, was a big thing.
Aside from that… Hosting, autoresponder, education – all these things… Put it this way: If you had zero funds and you were in severe debt, in a poor financial situation – would you see becoming a surgeon or a doctor as a path out of a financial crisis?

Or would you say to yourself,
“Well I need funds to be able to do that. I’m gonna have to go to university. I’m gonna have to pay for my tuition fees and my books. I’ve got to pay for all that stuff – probably 50, 60, 80, hundred thousand dollars plus over the next five/ten years. Then, after that, I can be in a better financial situation.”
You would know that. You would expect, “Well, I’ve got to pay in both money and time first. Then I can be in a better financial situation.”
So you wouldn’t see that as a way out of having nothing. Because you knew you’d have to invest to have something.
And An Online Business Is No Different

It really is about having to put some time and money in, to learn and educate yourself. Learn from the right people, to do the right things, to have the right plan and support to then be able to have a much better financial situation.
So look, I just wanted to get rid of that. Because it is a really poor misconception. The statistics are so bad. The numbers state that 97-98 percent of those that try, fail in this marketplace to ever make a successful income – an income that can get them out of their job.
Why is that? I think it’s probably because a large percentage of those people are starting with less than nothing. And are unable to invest and put something in.
Unable to pay for an autoresponder subscription, unable to pay hosting fees, unable to invest in getting some real help and support. Unable to invest in advertising (or invest time into organic traffic methods, content creation, social media marketing, etc.)

If You Can’t Do Those Things…
You can’t invest in your education, your tools, and your advertising or marketing – you’re gonna have a tough, tough time. And that’s why most people stay stuck… Because they start with nothing, and they don’t believe they have to put anything in.
I just wanted to get that out there.
I’m sat here now, having initially come from no debt into internet marketing. Building up massive debts. And then finally been able to turn that around, and go on to generate millions of dollars in online sales.
I’m telling you categorically, that this is what it takes. And that’s the big misconception.
So if you enjoyed this, please “Like” and share this. And, of course, I will see you again in “Stop Wasting Time And Money On Marketing Gimmicks: Do This Instead” – another episode of The Drive. Thanks for tuning in. Talk to you soon.