Find The Right Mentor For Your Business And Keep Fighting

The fastest way to success with your online business is to find the right mentor, and be willing to keep fighting. Here, Dean is laying out how everything you need to succeed online is within your grasp, if you adopt a positive mental attitude and find your ideal business mentor…
“Hey, hey! Good morning. Dean here of course. We’re on the way to Internet Profits on this fine and glorious morning. I hope you’re doing well, and I hope you’re taking massive action in your business.
I can’t help but think sometimes, and see sometimes, that it’s not lack of information that most people have. Especially those that have been trying to start a business for a long time, because there is a wealth of information online.
In fact, what is the internet? It’s just an information platform if you think about it, right? it’s just access to information.

So if it’s not lack of information, what is it that people do lack?
Why Is It That So Many Struggle?
I think a lot of it is access – they lack access – not to information, but to the right people. And really, if you think about it, we are living – and I said this at a seminar recently – we are living in such an amazing time in life… Where, with enough commitment and the willingness to invest, you can get access to pretty much anyone, and find the right mentor for your business.
I have been able to pay my way to access incredible minds in the past. Right now, I’m able to pay my way into ‘Mastermind’ groups that enable me to access incredible, smart, successful, wealthy individuals that can help me, change my mindset, inspire me, guide me and support me.
You can literally… I mean, lets put this in perspective… Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group of Companies – Virgin Airlines, Virgin everything, right? You can actually pay to spend time with him, and go to Necker Island and hang out!

What an incredible world we live in, where you can get access to anything you want if you are willing to, like finding the right mentor of course.
A lot of people would say things like, “Well, that’s alright for you Dean. You have more money.” But you know what? It was ten years ago when I was broke – like, only ten years ago.
I was on the brink of bankruptcy. I had over sixty thousand dollars of debt. I had a minus three thousand dollar bank account, five credit cards, two bank loans. I couldn’t pay my way out of debt at that stage. But you know what I had?
I Had A Willingness To Keep Fighting
So I don’t want to hear from anyone who says, “Oh, it’s okay for you…” BS!
Like, it wasn’t okay for me when I was in debt. Wasn’t okay for me when I was working in my construction job, staying up all night to work on my business, to fight my way out of the hell hole that I was living in. It wasn’t okay for me when I was hiding the state of my life from all my family, my loved ones and my friends.

And it wasn’t okay for me when I couldn’t even sleep at night because I was so afraid and worried about the mess I was in. That wasn’t okay for me then… And it may not be okay for you now. But with enough willingness to fight, you can make it out. And that really, essentially is my message of today.
You can get anything you want in life. You can access anything and anyone if you are willing to fight, if you are willing to do what it takes. And doing what it takes is not gonna come easy. Oh, no! Wouldn’t that be nice, if everything just came on a silver platter. I wasn’t born like that. You probably weren’t too.
So, what can we do about it? We can take control, we can take responsibility, and we can find the right mentor. Things are gonna go wrong in our lives. We’re gonna come up against hard times, we’re gonna have to fight, dig deep, be more committed and willing than ever before.
Find The Right Mentor And Dig Deep

But you know what? If you are committed and willing… We are in an incredible time of life, where access to anyone and anything is within reach. You’ve just gotta fight to get it. You’ve got to fight for that opportunity, fight to make it happen. If you’re willing – you can. If you’re not – you won’t. Simple.
Make a decision: You either do it, or you don’t. You either get up and fight, or you lay down and die.
So anyway. that’s my message for today. Bit of a different one. With that said, thank you for joining me. I’m now here at Internet Profits, one of the first here actually. It is 7:30 am right now. Because no matter where I’m at, I’m still willing to fight.
I always want to better myself. I want to provide more, I want to give more to my industry, I want to be the best. And being the best requires me to keep fighting. So we still turn up every single day and fight!
I will of course see you next time in “Celebrate Your Small Wins And Stop Feeling Unworthy” – another episode of The Drive. Thanks for watching, take care.