Master Your Craft: How To Become A Master In Your Field

As a successful entrepreneur you will have gone through a specific process to master your craft. This process will be the same whatever that area of expertise may be, if you want to become a master in your field. This process, this secret of success is so profound and simple that it’s worth reminding yourself of it again here…
“Good morning, hope you’re well. Kicking off your week strong, getting things done, taking no prisoners, crushing your goals. It’s got to be done, it’s got to happen now.
Speaking of which, let me talk about something today. I just actually had a message from one of our coaching clients. So I’ve got a sort of VIP group of our Certified Partners that I work closer with. Monday’s is my coaching day, so I dedicate most of Monday to my coaching with those people.
Y’know, one of the things that keeps coming up… And I’ve just actually had a message from one of those guys, and I’ve said the same thing to him. So I want to share it with you.
And the question really is, like if I summarise and put it in really simple terms, “How do you master something? How do you become great at something?”

All Skills Are Learnable, Right?
Think about it… Every single skill in life anywhere ever, that you want to learn – you can. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Like, think about that. Think about the potential, the possibilities, and your unlimited ability to accomplish anything that you want.
But how?
Y’know, a lot of people often beat themselves up and take themselves down. They say like, “I can’t do this.” And they get angry and frustrated.
I could think about this like… How many times have I gone to hit a golf shot on the golf course and shanked the ball, or just duffed it? It’s so frustrating and you think, “Am I ever gonna be able to just hit a ball properly and consistently?”
And it’s the same advice there… What I’ve got to do is, I have to get on the driving range and I have to keep practicing. And I have to focus on that ball, concentrate on my swing. Not take my eye off that ball, and swing through properly. I need to get up there and practice, and practice, and practice.

If I want to master that craft to the degree of being good enough to play a solid, good game and enjoy it with friends – then I need to practice over, and over, and over again. I can’t go up once every few months onto a golf course and hope to have a consistent, decent game, right? Because I’m not practicing.
And it’s the same with anything, right? Think about it. If you’ve got children, what do you tell your children?
“You Can’t Give Up… You’ve Got To Keep Practicing”
When we look at adults, when we look at ourselves when we’re in business we say, “I’m not very good at this. I don’t know what to do.” Y’know, “I want to learn Facebook Ads, but I can’t do it – doesn’t work for me.” Or, “I want to learn YouTube Ads, but I’ve tried and it doesn’t work for me.”
You may have “tried” a lot of things… But have you mastered them? And so, how do you become great at anything? You practice. It’s as simple as that. What you practice and what you study, you can improve and you can master.
I want you to think about that in all areas of life and business. If you want to become great at anything, heck, even if you only want to become good – practice the damn crap out of it, right? Study, practice!

We have, for example, like I just said to Peter who just messaged me talking about Facebook advertising. We’ve got a course for that. And if you want to learn this Facebook Ads stuff… Learn how to set up an ad, how to run Facebook advertising, how to target people on the Facebook advertising platform… You need to study that course.
Study Then Implement, In Small Increments To Master Your Craft
And one of the things that I would advise people, with a course such as that is, first work your way through it in full. Don’t do anything, don’t try and copy it, don’t implement it. Just go through it, okay? Then you’re gonna have an overview of the process. You’re gonna see where it’s going.
Then go back to the beginning… Watch a piece – pause and implement, watch the next piece – pause and implement, watch the next piece – pause and implement, okay? And if there’s ever a point where you didn’t understand something, go back, watch and study it again and again until it makes sense.
Now this is why, of course, having a mentor is the best thing for everybody. Because sometimes for a lot of people, just watching a video isn’t enough. They need that accountability, they need that support, they need that advice… A mentor to turn to who has done what they want to do, who has been where they want to be, who has overcome the challenges that they’re facing.

And so, how do you become great at anything? It’s not a complicated technical answer is it? You practice, practice, practice. In the same way that you’d see any sports star – what are they doing? They’re practicing, practicing, over and over. They don’t stop.
Y’know, a golfer – they’ll hit tens of thousands of balls. A footballer they’ll kick tens of thousands of free kicks, if that’s their role. They’ll take tens of thousands of corners in practice. They do not stop. They’re relentless in mastering their craft. Why? Because they want to be great. They want to be the best.
Strive To Be The Best You Can And Master Your Craft
And you have to strive for that as well in your life, and in your business. If I want the best online business that I can have, I need to master my craft. And if I want the best income possible and provide for my family, I need to master my craft.
Whatever it is – the answer is to master your craft. Mastering your craft and becoming great at something is the simple act of practicing and doing it, right? So make a decision today… What do I want to become great at?

I’m gonna find the best person, or the best course. Then and I’m gonna buy it, study it, and implement it.
That, by the way, is something every of one of us has to become good at – investing in ourselves. Pulling out our credit card or debit card, buying something, and practicing it to master your craft. That is how you become great.
I will always say to any of my students, any of my clients – I’m not smarter than you, more intelligent than you. All I’ve got on you is time and practice – that is it.
Okay, so with that said I’m here at Internet Profits HQ. There is hardly anyone else around. It is only 7:44 am. Why? Because I’m here to master my craft. Always be learning, always be practicing, always be mastering and make stuff happen.
Have a great day my friend. Until next time with “How To Change Your Life Instantly In Just 4 Simple Steps“, this is Dean signing out for another day.
Thank you this motivation post! This is what I needed! 😃
You’re welcome. Glad you found it useful.