Business Task Management: How To Manage Multiple Business Projects
We’re speaking about business task management and project management today. Dean Holland here on this journey to our Internet Profits headquarters. Hope you’ve been having a great week.
Things are incredibly busy at Internet Profits, as you probably… if you’ve been following along, you’ll know this. We’ve got tons of projects – lots and lots of awesome, exciting stuff going on. And time flies by so quick doesn’t it? It’s just insane how fast the time flies by.
This month we have lots and lots of new stuff coming out to attract new customers; a new offer and sales funnel that we’re optimising.
We have another product launching on the Jvzoo and WarriorPlus network, that’s just a five-day product launch to run a hosted coaching challenge that we do.
We’re launching the new members area to our Certified Partners, which will then also in turn make the new certification program for new Certified Partners to come into the program, get certified as our Partners and then have access to use our sales funnels in their business. That’s launching this month. Also a new back-end campaign.
So All In All, Like Holy Cow!
This is going to be probably one of our busiest ever months in terms of getting stuff out. Yeah tons and tons of stuff going on.

Now here’s the thing, right. Somebody said to me recently, how is it we’re juggling so many projects? How is it we’re able to manage it?
I want to give a bit of advice on that and just share how we do that. The question ultimately being, how do we manage… how are we now managing so many projects and getting so much done in, essentially now, a shorter period of time?
Here’s The Truth, Here’s The Reality…
And I’ve spoke about it in the past. It’s only recently, in the last few months, that we’ve actually been able to do that. That we’ve actually been able to manage multiple projects, have multiple things going on, and everything being executed now in a timely manner.
Over the last year… before the last few months… and I’ll tell you what’s changed recently, because there’s a few things… Over the last few months we had lots and lots of projects going on, but nothing getting done.
We Were Actually In A Bit Of A Bad Situation
…in the company in all honesty, where we have too much going on we couldn’t get any of them done, and we were just falling behind continually.
We actually were letting customers down, we were letting our Certified Partners down, we were letting our clients down – our coaching clients. Not drastically, to the point where we were causing them harm, but just… because I’d announced a lot of new things were going to be happening and nothing was able to get done in a timely manner.
Business Task Management – 2 Big Changes
There were two main things that had to change to allow us to, a) actually be able to manage having many projects going on, and b) how to execute things and manage things in a timely manner.

So here’s the two things that had to change:
Number one: Implementing and efficiently using, every single day, a project management / time management / business task management system… a business project and task management system.
We actually consulted with somebody who helped me which is James Friel – I actually run a podcast now with James called, “Just The Tips” – you can find that on iTunes. (We just launched it last week, so there’s another project!)
We worked with James and we now have, I believe,
A System That Can Take This Company To $100 Million Plus
We are very much planning for the future success of the company. But it was necessary now also because we got in such a mess.
Obviously in a short space of time, I can’t fully explain exactly what we’ve got. But essentially we use Trello which is actually free, which still today astounds me!…
That we can run a business, which is going to be making tens of millions a year I believe in the future, off of free software that can help us manage that.
Now they do have a paid service, but we just use the free one. But we have it set up in a particular way – it’s not just a case of, ‘Oh we use Trello’, like people use things like Basecamp or… y’know…
There’s Tons Of Project Management / Business Task Management Tools

We use Trello, but it has to be set up in a very particular way that is easy for me to use, the team to use and for everybody collectively – for us have tons of people, all our team in there, and for everybody to easily know how to use it, how to run it, and what’s going on, and what they’re responsible for, due dates and timelines, and whose responsibilities certain tasks are.
It’s an absolutely awesome system, I have got to say. It has, to a degree, changed the business. And it certainly will be life changing for me, as the business scales and grows now.
Number two: The second thing is growing a team and having the right people in the right positions, with the right responsibilities, in the right roles in the company to assist the vision of where we’re heading, where we’re going, and what needs to be accomplished to take us there.
So there you have it. The two things that we had to implement or change to allow us to manage multiple projects and execute those projects in an efficient and timely manner, to progress and grow this business and take it forwards and impact the lives of more people in a positive way.
I hope that was valuable for you.
Speaking Of New Projects, I Had Another Idea…
Well I’ve had this idea for a long time, but I might ask you what you think of it soon. I tell you what… I’m going to ask you now, very quickly.
As I’ve just said, there are limits to what I can show you or share with you here right? I can I can tell you things, I can share certain things, but I can’t actually show you – we’re not in front of a computer.
Now, take for example the time management / business task management apps. It might have piqued your interest today, where you say, “Well this sounds awesome Dean, but I can’t see it – how can I see what you’re actually doing and be able to implement it and copy it myself?”

So I’m thinking of opening…
A New Membership Called “Internet Profits Insiders”
It’s basically a monthly membership, whereby I can kind of continue on inside the office from The Drive video. So say today, I spoke about the Trello system and the time management system that’s allowing us to execute faster and get more done.
Each month in the Insiders Club, I would choose one or two topics and I would actually do a 30 to 60 minute training every month and share something that you guys would need to see to be able to copy – such as how to run a time management / project management / business task management system efficiently, and how we’ve got that set up.
Is That Something That You’d Be Interested In?
Is that something that you would see the value in paying a monthly fee to get access to, in order to see the how to’s of certain things that I talk about every day on The Drive. So just let me know – would love your feedback on that.
And with that said have a great day. It’s time for me to get in and crush today. Thank you for joining me on this journey with The Drive, I shall see you next in Best Digital Marketing Books For Beginners on another day, thank you.