Five Small Businesses You Can Start From Home

Hey everybody, this is Roberto Blake helping you create something awesome today and I’m gonna talk about five small business that you can start at home that probably don’t cost you much of anything.
Five Home-Based Businesses
So, let’s start with something relatively simple.
1. Consultancy
One of the businesses you can start from home today at almost no cost is a consultancy. Most of what you’ll need for this comes down to having a smart phone and a computer and possibly a webcam. These might be things that you already have. At best, you might also need a headset of some kind and possibly a microphone.
These things aren’t super expensive and you can buy those things online. This isn’t overwhelmingly difficult if you have knowledge in a specific area. For example, I do consulting for marketing, brand development, and obviously video marketing and production as well as creative services, and I’m able to charge relatively well for this per client.
2. Graphic Design or Other Creative Service
Although, it is not my primary at home business, I would say that the overwhelming majority of my business comes from my graphic design services, which is another thing you can do at home.
It doesn’t have to be limited to graphic design. You can do a number of creative things. You can do graphic design. You can do photography. These are service based creative businesses that you can do at home, and all you have to do is invest in whatever the equipment and skills are to execute on that, and market yourself well enough, whether that’s locally or online.
So, I would say two businesses that you can start from home are; you could start a consultancy of some kind, whether that’s marketing or tech-related, or you could do relationship consulting if that is your skill set. You can start some kind of consultancy and do that. That would be one business you can start at home.
And then another might be a creative services profession like graphic design.
3. Tech Support
Another business that you can start from home, believe it or not, is a tech support based business. Tech is not entirely the same as consultancy because of the expertise it requires and the level of execution involved, and there’s a little more nuance and detailed things to it.
So I would say that it’s very different from consulting just because of how involved or ingrained it can get, and I would say that you can have a tech-based business from home doing some very specific stuff, and that might involve doing things on the programming side. It might involve technical sport and customer service. It might involve help desk services, and there are a lot of companies that hire people to do that from home or that outsource to small businesses that do that, and you could provide that service from home.
There’s obviously user testing and bug testing that you could do as a technical person. So, I would say that that could be a very lucrative business for you if you are in a situation where maybe you’re a stay at home parent, maybe you have an introverted personality, or you have anxiety about being in public. This is business that would allow you to overcome those barriers and still be very successful.
4. Copy Writing and Online Writing
So, the fourth business we’re gonna talk about is online writing and copy writing. You could be creating content for magazines and writing that stuff from home. You could be writing for online publications. You could be doing copy writing and advertising work for firms and companies while working remotely, and this could be very successful for you.
In terms of what you might get, you might get as much as $100 an article or you might have a rate that is based on per word, and this may not be limited to writing. You can do video and editorial work. You could be doing proof-reading. There’s a whole business model that you could build out just around writing, copy writing and content development for individuals, companies, and brands, and smaller firms, marketing companies, ad agencies, etc.
I think that this could be a very lucrative business for you if you’re a stay at home person. It doesn’t require much investment either. You just need a computer and a smart phone for the most part and you’re good to go.
There might be instances where maybe you need to use services like Dropbox. There’s a lot of stuff that’s free. I should actually do a video on all of these free online services you can use to help your small business, and I will cover that in another video actually.
5 . E-Commerce Based Home Business
So, the fifth and final business we’re gonna talk about that you can start from home is you can start e-commerce based business. You can do this by a lot of different things. You can do affiliate marketing where you’re selling other people’s products online with websites like Amazon or what have you.
You could be selling products that you might have, on Ebay, used. There’s any number of things you could do. You could be setting up a DIY-based business where you’re selling your products through something like Etsy. So, doing a e-commerce business where selling products, whether they be your own or other people’s is another great stay at home business that doesn’t require a lot for you to get started.
If you’re doing the affiliate marketing side of that, again, the most you really need there is a computer. You might need a website to help you out with that. You might need to start a blog of some kind. Obviously, a social media presence. These things aren’t very expensive and in some cases they can be free. So, I would say that that is a very good business to start, with very high potential profit margins and very minimal investment.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this video about five small businesses you can start from home. As always, you guys, thanks so much for watching, and don’t forget create something awesome today.