A Different Way To Build An Audience On Facebook

Today we’re going to be talking about an unusual way to build an audience on Facebook.Welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean Holland here of course, and you’re joining us on this short journey to the Internet Profits headquarters.
So we were just – I’ve actually got Craig Crawford in the car with me – so we we just realised, I actually forgot to hit record on the equipment here, and we’re just talking away and it was like, everything we’ve just been talking about… we should have been recording for The Drive.
I’m just going to focus in on one thing we’ve just been talking about – different ways, different Facebook marketing campaigns, and different things that we can do to…
Build An Audience On Facebook
…and create anticipation, create curiosity around a launch that we’ve got coming up later this month, called Quick Start Challenge.
If you’ve been following along with The Drive, you’ll know that there’s several projects that are going on right now. Which is why some days you’ll tune in and I’ll be talking about The Perfect Offer, which is a brand new funnel and product we’ve created, that we’re just in the testing phase of… driving traffic to, optimising the funnel, before we open it up to our Certified Partners who can then use that in their businesses.
In addition to that, we’ve also got the Quick Start Challenge launch coming up. I could actually reel off tons of stuff.

We’ve Got A Brand New Members Area
…brand new certification program, we’ve got so many projects.
But the awesome thing is, is that I’ve now built the foundation in the company to facilitate being able to manage multiple projects and have them come to fruition fast, y’know – executing fast!
And so what I guess I want to really talk about here, which is one of the things that we were just focused on in our conversation before I hit record, was
Using A Chat Bot With Facebook Ads
If you don’t know what that means, a chat bot is essentially – you can set up a particular software (I think there’s a few different things out there right now) but the one that we particularly were just discussing was a software called ManyChat.
I don’t want to go too complex here, but essentially what it allows you to do is set it up so that… you can make a post on one of your Facebook fan pages, and then you can set up one of these systems such as ManyChat almost like an email autoresponder.
But the way in which you can have it work, is if somebody comments on one of your Facebook posts that’s on your fan page, you can automatically have a private message sent to their Facebook inbox.

Now if you’ve never heard of that, you might already be starting to think of…
How Exciting… And The Potential…
…that such a thing has. Yes, there are some rules here – they do have to then confirm with that message that they want to receive messages from you, just like opting in to your email list you know, somebody has to give permission for you to email them.
Well they have to give permission here to be added to – and this is where ManyChat comes in – they can be added to your email list inside of ManyChat that then means you can send broadcast messages to their inbox on Facebook.
We’ve just been talking about potentially testing this out for the Quick Start Challenge launch. So what we’ll probably do, just give you an idea of how we would use that…
Well what I’ll probably do is, I’ll create a piece of video content or we’ll create a piece of video content (this is a joint project between Craig and I) and we can then post that video with some written text for the post as well
Basically, the goal for us I think is really…
How Do We Make Somebody Curious Enough
…behind what’s in that video, to leave a comment to say, “I’m interested”.

Therefore then we can have ManyChat set up to send them a private message, and then basically lead them to the pre-launch, which will be happening five days before the actual launch on August 17th and will run for those five days.
We’re basically launching a 30 day coaching class for $197, where I’m going to walk people through this weekly coaching program, to teach them and deploy a blueprint in their businesses, to aim to get them to at least $100 dollars a day online.
And y’know really, one of the sideline conversations from this, is how many…
Amazing Tools And Resources We Have At Our Disposal
…as online marketers to build an audience on Facebook.
If you were to go back – and I don’t know how long you’ve been marketing online, or looking at marketing online, or having an online business – but I came into this industry initially in 2004. And even in that 13 year time frame, it’s insane how much things have changed.
I remember when I was starting out, the only options we really even had was things like Google Ads or y’know other pay-per-clicks.
Now, we’re talking about doing things with social media where people can just leave a comment on one of your posts, and you can add them to an autoresponder sequence within their social media account, where the average user spends probably thirty to ninety minutes a day on that platform – it goes straight to their mobile phone/cell phone. It is insane the resources we have at our disposal.

And yet people seem to think that they have no capability sometimes, or that the world is against them in trying to build a business. I assure you…
The World Is Absolutely On Your Side To Help You Build A Business!
And we have so much at our disposal to do that. Grab my brand new FREE book for absolute proof of that!
So anyway we are here. Bit of a random one, but that’s just kind of letting you into a bit of an insight into what we were just planning and talking about, and one of the things we’ll be looking at for the rest of this week.
And yes something for you to think about and look at in your business. If you run ads or use Facebook, then something like that could definitely be a huge value for your business.
So with that said, have a great day. I shall speak to you soon in Business Task Management: How To Manage Multiple Business Projects – another episode of The Drive. Take care.