The Social Loop – A New Direction For My Blog

Right, it’s a couple of days or so since my last post, in which I took stock after going through The Social Loop training and decided upon a relaunch of sorts or a new direction for my relatively new blog.
The Social Loop is was (N.B. now updated training after major new ‘relaunch’) special training available to Certified Partners of Internet Profits. If you want to find out more about Internet Profits, and I highly recommend you do, just click on the link below:
Get your FREE copy of Internet Profits’ brand new book by Dean Holland…
Even though I may have few visitors or traffic to my blog or social media sites yet, I’m following the advice of The Social Loop training to just keep posting genuine, authentic content consistently, in order to be of benefit to any who actually find my blog amongst the clamour of content on this subject. Then sharing this content on multiple active and growing social media accounts; Facebook Pages, Twitter, Pinterest.
I’m a real person on a real journey and am using this blog as a journal, to share the lessons I’m learning along the way, and to share useful digital marketing insights from my mentor and other successful online marketers that I think will be of significant benefit to you.
How to Build a Website or Blog
So, what have I been up to? Well I was thinking about all the services and tools I use in the course of my internet marketing business and I was surprised at just how many there were. The list just kept growing and growing!
It made me realise that this could be a really valuable resource for anyone else who is just starting out with their internet marketing business. So I’ve created a new section on my website on “Building Websites & Blogs” and have added a couple of posts covering the basics of domains and hosting, and setting up WordPress.
I plan to be adding more to this section soon, so please come back and check it out and maybe you’ll find something useful for your business.