Blogging Beginner Tip: Don’t Run Before You Can Walk!

When I joined Internet Profits, thinking that I knew best – even though I was a blogging beginner – I steamed ahead building my new business. This WordPress blog, for example, and all the social media accounts.
Fortunately, I already had accounts with a domain name registrar, a website hosting company, and an autoresponder service. I therefore spent my time on the following:
- Thinking about my brand, brainstorming domain names then buying one and updating the name servers to point to my host’s servers.
- Installing WordPress on my new domain.
- Deciding upon the look and feel of my new blog/website and buying a professional theme.
- Designing a simple logo for the site.
- Creating a Facebook Page for my business.
- Creating social media accounts for my business on Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.
- Designing the cover graphics for each of these accounts / pages.
- Setting up a 2 step opt-in page, with a split test (video background vs white background).
- Recording a couple of video blogs or v-logs, uploading to YouTube and sharing on my blog and social media sites (I’m rubbish at v-logging, but hoping to improve!).
- Writing and posting a couple of internet marketing articles and sharing them on my social media accounts.
- Writing around 30 decent forum posts on Warrior Forum, and then added my signature link.
- Following internet marketers and positive thinkers on Facebook, commenting, liking and sharing their posts.
- Populating my autoresponder series with useful and engaging emails as well as the promotional ones.
I’m sure I could think of more, but even writing that list exhausts me!
Blogging Beginner Tip
All this within two weeks, but not a single sale yet. Of course I haven’t really been actively driving traffic so I can’t expect sales yet based upon just getting the online infrastructure in place.
After all that, I had a bit of a panic attack yesterday and realised I needed to reign myself in a bit and take stock.
My big mistake as a blogging beginner was that I hadn’t taken the time to go through enough of the simply awesome, no-nonsense training that’s privately available to all Internet Profits Certified Partners.
So, when I woke up this morning, I decided to stop and go through The Social Loop training available to me as an Internet Profits Partner. And I’m so grateful that I did.
I now feel calm and purposeful and am restructuring my website (or hub site as Dean calls it) into more of a “my personal story” blog or journal rather than a generic internet marketing site. Although I still plan to add useful articles along the way as I learn the trade.
So there it is for now! I guess this counts as my first blog on this new road.