How To Write Sales Copy That Compels Your Readers To Take Action

Ever wondered how to write sales copy that gets people addicted to your content and following your calls to action? Today, Dean reveals his best tip on how to write sales copy that will keep your readers engaged and eager to take the action you ask of them…
Do you know one of the biggest things that keeps people interested and listening? …Oh, actually, y’know what… I’ve just got to tell you something…
“Good morning guys! It is Dean here of course. Welcome to another episode of The Drive. Here we go, en route to Internet Profits HQ. It is raining here – it is miserably wet. Ugh! Welcome to England. You probably hear me say that every single freaking day now!
A couple of things before I reveal my trick on how to write sales copy… So yesterday we kicked off the mini two-part coaching course / coaching class that I’m doing with our Certified Partners.

I went over several awesome things – everyone’s really excited, because they got to see…
The New, Evolved, Simplified, Powerful Sales System
…that we’ve been building. And it’s really powerful! It’s got three main sections to it. You’ve got the customer acquisition section, which is the front end low priced products and offers, that convert traffic and prospects into customers.
Then what we do with those customers – or what our system automatically does with those customers…
Leads them through a value-driven sequence of automated events that generate interest, educate, give value, and introduce them to our premium product offerings, like our Certified Partner program…

And basically generates interest in those, via the wonder that is ‘applications’. So, people fill in applications – that’s the second part.
The third part is those applications flow through to my team, who then process the applications. They get on the phone and have a one-on-one phone call, answer every question those people have, make sure they’re a good fit. If they’re a good fit, we open a place and we get them started.
And then there’s like an ‘ascension’ process from there. How we can further assist and help by giving even more value to those clients and partners.
We went through all of this. And then we introduced and spoke about traffic generation. So, all in all, a very exciting start to the two-part coaching.
Now today, we do the second part of this mini coaching class. We’re going to talk about the two other things that our Certified Partners have to do, which I won’t spoil now. I’ll probably tell you about this in another Drive.

So… do you know… while we’re on this subject… Because this is kind of going to be part of what I’m going to speak about today…
Do You Know What Keeps People’s Interest?
And gets people to move forwards, and keep listening/reading, or taking action – probably more than anything else that we see…?
It’s curiosity…
And I kind of did a little bit of it with the intro earlier. Do you see where I said, “Do you know what the number one thing that keeps people’s attention and keeps people listening? “ And then I interrupted myself and went, “Oh… You know what? I’ve got to tell you something.”
Whether you consciously realised it or not, you were probably curious to find out… “Ooh, what’s that thing he wants to share?”

And then, as I carried on talking, you may have forgotten about that consciously. But in the back of your mind, your your brain is still waiting to find out the answer to that question – because I’ve ‘opened a loop’ in your mind.
So I thought I’d just mention this to you. Because this is a piece of… what I’m gonna be… without spoiling too many surprises… Today, one of the things we’ll be talking to our Certified Partners about, is following up with your email list, your prospects, and with your audiences.
And one of the things that I utilise in my daily follow ups with my email list, is curiosity and story, okay? So it’s this part of the process called ‘opening loops’, whereby…
You’d Start Something In Your Sales Copy, And Not Finish It
Then you’ve opened that loop, and people want to know the answer to that thing you started.
So when I said, “Oh, you know what, I’ve got to tell you something.” That was kind of like opening that loop, and initiating that. And if you’re still reading this, it’s either you just find it interesting what I’m talking about… Or you’re waiting for that close of the loop.
Well, guess what. Here’s the close of that loop… “Do you know what? I’ve got to tell you something… / …[insert the rest of the story here]”

What keeps people listening, and what keeps people taking action – is curiosity – probably more than anything else.
So if you can find a way, in the different things that you’re doing in your business, to leverage curiosity – you’re probably going to find you start getting more people listening to you and taking action on what you’re asking them to do.
If you are, for example, writing emails to your list – use curiosity.
People Are Curious – Try And Pique That Curiosity
You’ve heard the expression about curious cats. Well we are curious humans as well.
If you have webinar registration pages, use curiosity. Don’t let people figure out what the webinar is about, until they’ve attended. Use curiosity in the registration page. Use curiosity once they’ve registered, to get them to attend.
Then, and only when they’re there, do you deliver the goods – so that they can actually connect the dots to know what on earth they’re here to learn about.

If you have sales pages… Often people talk about ‘blind copy’. This is where you don’t make it too obvious exactly what they’re buying. It’s kind of blind. Like you’re pushing and you’re building up the excitement in your sales copy. You’re getting them curious and you’re pushing benefits. But they don’t actually know exactly what it is that they’re getting.
So They’re Buying Out Of Curiosity
Curiosity… One of the most powerful things to get people taking action and continue listening to you.
Hope you find that helpful. ‘Like’, comment, share whatever you want to do, if you found this valuable and want to pass this message on.
With that said, thanks for joining me for another day. And I will of course see you back here again in “How To Make The Most Out Of Your Life, Because Life Is Short!” another episode of The Drive. Thanks for watching and have a great day. Bye, bye for now.