Food For The Brain – What Are You Feeding Your Mind?

Proper nutrition and exercise are important to your body’s health, and your brain power and mental health are similarly affected by the quality of your diet. However, this is not the food for the brain Dean’s going to be talking about here…
“Good morning! Dean here of course, just on the way to Internet Profits headquarters on this fine, sunny, glorious morning. I hope you’re doing well.
I want to talk about food. And not the kind that you might be thinking about. Although I am hungry this morning. I try not to eat breakfast, but just recently with doing a lot of travelling, my eating habits have been all over the place. And it’s pretty tough to get them back in line, but I’m fighting it.

So yeah, I want to talk about food. Not the type of food that you put into your mouth. Although let me just give you a bit of an analogy and a lead-in to what I’m talking about first.
Food For The Brain
You see, when you eat healthy nutritious food. When you get the right foods for your body, and you exercise, it’s pretty much the the equation for good health. Like, in terms of fitness, your weight, and your your fat, and all that kind of stuff, right?
As you can tell, I’m definitely not a leading authority on health and nutrition. But I get the basics. You feed yourself good nutritious healthy food, and you exercise the body, and you’re gonna be alright. Get it?

But if you feed yourself crap… If you put junk food into your body continually, what’s gonna happen? You’re gonna be unhealthy, you’re gonna be sluggish, overweight, and carrying a lot of fat.
Now what about your brain then? What happens if you feed your brain junk?
So if you feed yourself negativity, if you feed yourself too much television and media. If you feed yourself with negative views and negative input, and surround yourself with negative people that feed your brain with negative opinions. What’s going to happen?
Junk Food For The Brain
Well, just like when you eat junk food and your body turns to crap… You feed your brain junk and your mind is gonna turn to crap. You’re gonna have a bad mindset, you’re gonna have a bad outlook, you’re gonna be ‘damaged’ in the brain, okay?

But what happens when you feed your brain with healthy nutritious ‘food’/information. Like you read books and you feed yourself with good information, like you study your craft.
When you feed yourself with good information, like you surround yourself with positive, driven, like-minded individuals that get you. Feeding yourself with positive information, by surrounding yourself with people that doing what you want to do, that are smarter than you. What happens to your brain then?
Well, it’s gonna be healthy. It’s gonna have a positive outlook and have positive effects. You see everybody can obviously associate bad food vs good food and the effects on the body of that.
But a lot of people seem to fail to realize that your brain is the same. Think about your brain in the same way you think about your mouth. What I put into my mouth to consume into my body can affect my body and health.

And what you put into your brain, which comes in through your ears and eyes, can affect your outlook, your body, your being, your everything! Okay?
What Are You Feeding Your Brain?
So that’s really my message for today. What are you feeding your brain? Think about your brain like your body. If you fed yourself crap every single day, your body turns to crap. If you feed your mind crap every day, your brain will turn to crap.
To counter that if you feed your body with nutritious healthy food every day, your body will be healthy and energised. If you feed your mind with healthy, positive stuff every day, with the information you choose to take in – it can change your whole outlook, and your whole result.
So with that said, hopefully that makes a bit of sense. I know maybe I fumbled my words a little bit. But nonetheless, I do hope that made some sense. Because it is so important, SO important!
Until next time with “How To Manage Your Time Wisely And Stop Being A Busy Fool“, have a great day of course, thank you for joining me here on this journey. Take care, bye for now.
God, the Great Designer, in his Instruction Manual, the Bible presents the same truth you’re highlighting here, Dean: “You’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious–the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse” (Philippians 4:8 MSG). You’re in good company! P.S. Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog, From the Inside Out. I pray you’ll find the posts meaningful whenever you’re able to visit!
Thanks for your kind words, Nancy.