How To Make The Most Out Of Your Life, Because Life Is Short!

Today we get serious about how to make the most out of life. How much time do you have available to you in a day, or even remaining in your life as a whole? Do you take the amount of time you have left for granted? Life is short make the most out of it! Dean’s got a serious warning…
“We are dying!
Good morning everybody. It is Dean here, of course. Welcome to a strange environment for today’s Drive.

Now why am I sat here? Well I’m in Internet Profits HQ. You can see behind me there’s some of the team. Normally I come to you every day on my commute, my drive here to Internet Profits headquarters.
However today, I got here and I’d shot ‘The Drive’. Jumped out the car. Grabbed the camera, and the damn thing hadn’t recorded. I clearly messed up – hadn’t clicked the button – I’d done something wrong. So here I am inside the HQ rather than on the way to Internet Profits. Bit of a strange start to today’s daily Drive v-log.
Right… we are dying! Now this isn’t about being depressed or thinking about death. But let me explain something to you.

Yesterday was actually my mum’s birthday. After I’d finished at the office yesterday, I went out and met my mum, gave her gifts, and had a great time. We went for some food. I had a huge 20 ounce steak, which seems pretty insane. But next week I start my juice diet – my juice detox.
So I’m enjoying this final week of food before I have five days on liquids. And you know what? Some of the things that my mum said recently, relate to… Even though she’s still young herself, she’s been speaking about how she can’t do some of the things she used to do when she was younger – not as agile etc.

It makes you think, right? It literally seems like yesterday when Christmas was here. Then the festive season came and went, and we began the new year. Now that’s flying by already! One thing is for sure…
Like It Is Almost Scary, Don’t You Think?
…how quick time goes by and how fast time is. And I want to give a bit of an analogy and think about something.
There are 24 hours in a day. Let’s just take the averages. Most people sleep for eight of those hours. Many people go to a job for eight of those hours. That leaves just eight hours left in the day.
Now if you start thinking about each hour in the day – let’s imagine this…

Think about every hour of every day as a ‘token’ And each day you get given 24 new tokens, and you can spend them how you like.
We spend eight of those tokens on average, sleeping. That leaves us with sixteen tokens.
We use up eight more of those tokens working, leaving us left with eight tokens.
We might use two of those tokens throughout the day for time preparing food and eating. Now we’re left with six tokens.
We may be using one of those tokens for commuting to our place of work. Now we’re left with five tokens.
We might use one of those tokens to walk the dog, play with the kids, and other domestic duties, etc. That leaves us with four tokens.

Now when you look at it – if you are in that situation, like I was before 2009, when I quit my job… You have very little time to actually put into starting and growing an online business for yourself, if that’s what you’re looking to do now.
My point here isn’t to suggest that everybody needs to be running or starting an online business. Now obviously, most of my audience here are indeed looking to do that. But my point is this…
Every single day, and in life generally, we have a limited number of tokens. And as every hour that passes, we are allocating those tokens to somewhere, someone, or something. So whether you want to be an entrepreneur, or whether you don’t – whatever it is that you’re doing…
Make Sure You’re Doing Something That You Enjoy
Make sure you’re doing something that fulfils you. Because every token that we give out, is one token less that we have to spend. And every day that goes by, every week that goes by, every month that goes by – we are spending our limited number of tokens, and our limited years on earth.

And so, it makes you just think about these things, when you really do reflect like this.
I do what I love. I love everything about what I do. Love being an entrepreneur – the highs, the lows, the pressure – I love it. Y’know, I love the things that most people don’t – the challenges – it drives me, it motivates me.
I hope that you’re doing what you love too. And if you’re not, you’ve got to change that.
How To Make The Most Out Of Your Life
I love spending my tokens with the people that are behind me here in this office. When I’m here, these are amazing people that I love to be with. I also love spending time talking, communicating and working with other members of my team that are virtual, outside of the workplace.
I love using my tokens to be with my family, my fiancee, my mum, my grandparents, my fiancee’s parents, and all my family. Love using my tokens to be with these people. Especially like yesterday, with my mum on her birthday.
You’ve got to be making sure that where you’re allocating your tokens – your limited time – you’re doing on something that you enjoy, and with people you enjoy. Because one day, you’ll be on that last token. And we never know when that last token will be.
Some people think they’ve got lots and lots of tokens… And sometimes they all get taken away from us, against our choice.

And so that’s the message for today. Think about how you’re spending your time – how you’re spending your tokens. And make sure you’re spending them on things and with people that you actually want to spend them with.
If You’re Not… Make Changes Today!
Start efforts today, to make those changes for yourself. Because one day, it’ll be too late. And you don’t want to wait until that day comes. Life is short make the most out of it!
So with that said guys. Bit of a different message today, I know. But hopefully one that gets you thinking.
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With that said, thank you for watching. Until next time in “How To Get More Done In Less Time By Doing This One Little Thing“, this is Dean Holland signing out of another episode of The Drive. Thanks for joining us. Take care and I’ll see you soon.
awesome dear! loved your token theory. Really enlightening. Keep sharing and stay blessed😊😊
Thank you for your kind comment.