To Build Your Online Business Fast, What Must You Focus On?

It’s easy to get busy with so many different things that need doing, when you’re trying to build your online business fast. So how do you know what’s best to focus on right now in your online business? Here’s Dean’s with a simple piece of advice, and some examples from his latest workshop…
“Hey, hey, hey! What is happening, my friend? Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits headquarters on this glorious morning.
If you’ve been following along recently, you’ll know that I’ve been speaking about the fact that I’ve been getting started with, and running a new coaching program. Just working with a small number of people.
And we kicked off the program where everyone had 30 minutes of one-on-one time. In a group setting, they had one-on-one time with me. Telling me everything about where they’re at right now and so on.

This was only made available to our Certified Partners by the way.
How To Build Your Online Business Fast
I want to share the approach that I took with those people this week. Because, I think that if you do this in your business, this is how you experience the biggest, most significant progress and breakthroughs, week after week, which will build your online business fast.
One of the biggest battles that we face, as we start and grow our online business, is the feeling – or sometimes the actual reality – of having a lot of things to do.
But for a lot of people, it is more a ‘feeling’ than a reality… There are a million and one things to do, right? Because you can become what a mentor of mine used to call, “A busy fool“.
Meaning that it feels like there are a gazillion things to work on. But very few of those things are actually going to make an impact on your income.

And so, here’s what I said to these people this week… We spent probably about 20 to 30 minutes going over where they’re at right now…
What they’re currently doing, what they’re stuck with, what their strategy is, what ideas they have, what their method of content creation is (if they’re going to pursue a method of content creation). What their desired platform for paid advertising is… As pretty much most, if not all of these people are doing paid traffic, even if starting with a small budget.
So after we went through those things, I spent 10 minutes… And pretty much the question I asked of myself, in order to respond to this and give them this information, was…
What Are The Key One Or Two Things…
“What is the number one…” Or “What are the key one or two things that they could do over the next seven days, which would lead to the biggest progress, breakthrough, impact and income in their business?” (Not, “What’s everything that needs doing?”)

And I was able to then say, “Right, here are your action steps for this week that you need to do.” And I didn’t give anyone a million things, or ten things, or even five things to do.
They all had one or two main things that they needed to get done this week.
Whether that was… Creating a case study of their results. Completing and getting their website live. Writing a new ad for Facebook. Recording a new video for Facebook. Completing their email sequence to plug into their autoresponder.
Whatever those one or two things were – that’s what I said to get done. And that’s what I want to say to you, right? Because there’s a high probability that you may be experiencing the same feeling – that there are a million and one things to do.
And believe me, it is easy to find things to do, right? You’ve probably experienced that for yourself. It is always easy to make yourself busy. Always, right? For any of us.

But… What are the key one or two things that you could do over the next seven days, that – if you demolished those – would make the biggest impact to the income of your business?
Eighty Percent Of My Efforts Today Will Be On This
Me, for example. I’ve a lot of things I could do, I’ve a lot of things that need doing. But for me right now, the main thing… Eighty percent of my efforts today, and over the next few days, is going into a webinar project.
Because I know that by completing and getting this webinar project ready to roll out… It is literally going to be able to start generating thousands of dollars every day. And reaching dozens of new people a week, who we can work with and help. Therefore increasing the impact and the income that we’re able to make, by focusing on this one thing.
Within that one thing, there’s a few other things that have to be done. For example, we’re working with a copywriter who’s helping us with our email sequences. We’re optimising a few things to do with the presentation.

I have a video to shoot for the JV page, where we’re actually going to reach out to our Partners about doing joint ventures with this webinar promotion. So there are many smaller things within that. But d’you see what I mean?
So for example, to the person that I mentioned about creating the new ad. They’ve got to take images, write the story, get the link ready. So there’s always little things within…
But what’s that BIG domino? The thing that, when you knock it over – when you demolish that thing – is going to make the biggest impact and income in your business within the next seven days, and that will really start to build your online business fast.
So always consider that. Because it’s easy to be busy, but not so simple to get focused. But when you do, and you define that one big thing for this next seven days, and you demolish that – then you’ll see the biggest progress.
And that’s my message for today. So with that said, I am here at Internet Profits HQ. And I will of course see you back here again soon with “Adapting To Change In Business; Here’s A Business That Failed To Adapt“. So until then take care. Bye bye for now.