The Key To Success In Life And In Business: One Simple Tip

Got a really simple, straightforward tip for you today. However, this has proven to be actually a huge key to success in life and also in business…
“I want to talk about something today… Something that, if you realise this one simple thing, it will make your days so much better. This will start your day off so much better – and set your mood right every single day. And this will allow you to get more significant progress – and that’s ultimately what it’s about.
If you’re making progress every day, even if it’s small baby steps forward, towards your goals – then you couldn’t ask for much more than that, right?

So, what am I talking about? What’s this simple thing? Well surprisingly, it’s something that not enough people do. Because a lot of people in the evenings – they get comfortable, they get relaxed… And they think, “Ah… I’ll just do it tomorrow.”
But here’s the thing. Here’s the trick – the small adjustment that you have to make – for a significantly bigger positive impact. Success starts the day before, okay?
The Key To Success In Life Starts The Day Before

And I’ve realised this to be true in so many ways. So many ways – like, eating healthy or choosing to eat healthy. It doesn’t start by waking up in the morning and going, “Oh, what am I going to eat?”
It starts the night before, getting your food prepared – it starts by making those conscious decisions the night before, okay?
Going to the gym. It doesn’t start usually by waking up in the morning and going, “Shall I, shan’t I? I’ve got to get all my clothes ready, pack my bag, get my stuff, my shower bag, and all these different things.”

It starts the night before: Getting your gym clothes out, getting everything ready, getting your clothes that you need to put on after the gym packed in a bag. And getting yourself prepared.
Success in your business – it doesn’t start by just sitting on the computer and saying, “Now, what shall I do today?” It starts by having a plan, and being prepared the night before. So, in all areas, the key to success in life begins with preparation in advance.
The Key To Success Begins With Preparation The Day Before

And I want you to always, always remember that. Because y’know, it’s funny… As much as we say, as much as I would say… I’ve never enjoyed working for other people. It was never for me.
One thing I can tell you is, these little lessons – some of the things that I know – haven’t just been learned by having my own business. Some of what I’ve learned actually came from having bosses in the past. Small little things.
I remember I used to work in a… When I first left school… So I left school at 16 years old, never went to college, never went to university. Literally left school at 16. I started full-time employment the same day I left school.

So I left school at around about 3 p.m. in the afternoon. At 6 p.m. that evening I started my first day of full-time employment. So whilst everyone else was out celebrating, I was out working.
And I’ll never forget. The the boss that I had at that time was a lady named Tracy. Gosh how am I remembering this? This is insane!
She always used to have this saying, this expression… Well she had a few actually… One was, “If you’ve got time to lean, you got time to clean.” That one used to make me laugh, ‘cos if she’d ever catch you standing around, it’d be like, “Come on, get on with it!”

But then another one she said, and this is the one that’s most important… She always used to tell me, “Dean, don’t put off till tomorrow, what can be done today.” And I always remember that.
Don’t Put Off Till Tomorrow, What Can Be Done Today
It kind of goes hand in hand with what I’m talking about here. A lot of people in the evenings, they would think, “Ahh, y’know what? I’ll do that tomorrow.”
And they’d just carry on relaxing in front of the TV on the sofa. They wouldn’t set themselves up for success the next day. Wouldn’t set themselves up for a great start.

So I just wanted to impart this key to success in life and in business, upon to you today. And hopefully, even if one person seeing this starts planning for success the day before by preparation. Then, amazing! This was a worthwhile message.
So we’re here Internet Profits HQ. A ton of stuff is going to be happening. So I’ll keep you updated on what’s going on behind the scenes here. Until next time with “Be Passionate About Your Work, Or This Will Happen To You” – this is Dean Holland signing out. Have a good one and I’ll talk to you soon. Bye, bye for now.”
There are so many tips for success in life. But this simple change in habitual behaviour – to prepare the night before, for the day ahead – is probably one of the most important keys to success in life and business for me right now.
An important key to success indeed! Many times I find myself in this trap.
Thanks Joseph.