Morning Motivational Routine For A Productive Day And Mindset

For the next ten days, test out this morning motivational routine for a productive day and a positive mindset. That’s the challenge. Do this, and see how your motivation, productivity, and mindset improve. Here’s Dean to explain this morning routine, which he personally continues to rely on to this day…
“Hey, hey! What is happening? Welcome to, actually, the first ever Drive here in my new car. Got the Range Rover Sport, all in black. It is absolutely beautiful!
And y’know, this car was actually on my vision board that I had in my old office, when we had our offices in Nottinghamshire, in a place called West Bridgeford. I had this on my vision board back then, and now in the last few days, I got it – which is pretty awesome.
I want to talk about something to do with this. Not to do with the car, not to do with attaining things. Although I suppose it is in a away.

You see, I’m constantly analysing and monitoring what’s going on in the marketplace. What’s happening with the (internet marketing/affiliate marketing) industry as a whole. What’s happening right now with people in this industry, with our customers, with other people’s customers, with the industry as a whole?…
Alarming And Overwhelming Lack of Confidence And Self Belief
And do you know what I see, that’s an overwhelming, alarming issue? It’s people’s lack of confidence and belief in themselves and their ability to accomplish what they truly want to accomplish.
I can say it categorically, and I know this might sound weird for somebody that actually sells information. But there really is no shortage of information.
I mean, the internet is a platform of information. Think about it – you go to Google – what are you searching for? Information. You go on YouTube, what are you watching or looking for? Information of some kind. You go on social media, what are you consuming? Information
The Internet is information. So there isn’t actually a shortage of information. One thing I can say is, there is too much misinformation – too much of the wrong information. But hopefully you get my point – there is no shortage of information.

And so when you think about things like that, and you think, “Well, all the information I could ever need is available to me.” Whether you have to pay for it, or it’s freely available, is immaterial really. All the information you need to accomplish your goals in life, whatever they may be, is available to you. Whether you can access it freely, or pay your way to access it – it is there and readily available.
And so, why is there an overwhelming, alarming number of people who are stuck and struggling? If we ignore the fact there’s a lot of misinformation, I want to focus on the fact that
Most People Do Not Believe In Themselves Enough
And I used to be the same. In fact, for a long time, because of failure and struggling, because of lack of results, the belief in myself faltered.
The belief in myself disappeared. I started to think things like, “Well maybe this is me. Maybe I’m not capable of doing this. Perhaps this is the sort of stuff that only a few really clever people can do. Maybe I’m not qualified. Perhaps I just don’t have that ability.”
And that doubt crept in, over and over. It became overwhelming, and I started to really think, “Well maybe I shouldn’t do this. Maybe I should focus on my job. Perhaps I should just accept that, even though the construction company wasn’t my passion, maybe I should just focus on it for life, build up a career in there, and aim to become my boss, and his boss’s boss over the next 10, 20, 30 years.”

And I started to accept the possibility of that being a viable option – and that’s a scary thing when you think about it, right? If you’re not enjoying what you do, not passionate about what you do, and it’s not fulfilling you and delivering to you… But you’re accepting that as your future – then that’s kind of a scary place to be isn’t it?
If you’re accepting that, “I’m not happy with where I’m at, but I’m accepting of this being my future for life until I die.” That’s not a nice place to be.
And so I want to just share some of the things that I’ve done to build that belief. You see, I don’t know if you know this, but here on my arm… When I decided I was gonna really do this, and I built that belief, and I was gonna quit my job and go full-time into this…
I Had “Believe And Achieve” Tattooed Onto My Body
I know not everybody likes tattoos, and that’s the only tattoo I’ve ever had. I’d never even considered it before. But this meant so much to me that I wanted to permanently place it on my body… That that I’m going to believe in myself, and achieve what I set out to achieve.
And I want to share just a few things – just as few simple shifts that you can make, to build that confidence and belief. In fact, I’m not gonna give you any more than one. Because if I give you lots of things, chances are they will reduce the possibility of you actually doing it.

So I’m gonna give you the one biggest thing that shifts my mindset. And I do this morning motivational routine every day, to this day right now…
I now begin my day in a way that most people do not.
I’ve spoken about this in the past, so I’m not going to go into it too much. But you may or may not be aware that there is scientific research – there is scientifically backed facts…. That in the first 10 to 20 minutes of you waking up in a morning – when you have been asleep all night and you wake up – your brain is the most receptive of the entire day.
So what you choose to put into your brain at that stage, can actually impact how your day goes. So here’s one of the biggest things that I can say to you to do. And some of you will say this morning motivational routine is ‘woo woo’ nonsense. Fine. If you’re not open to possibilities, you’ll be closed off to them, and that will be that.
Morning Motivational Routine For A Productive Day And Mindset
And so, you want to start your day as quickly as possible from the moment you wake, by listening to something that is going to build your confidence and belief, and feed your mind with positivity.
One of the easiest and most freely available morning motivational routines that you can do, that I do to this day, every single day right now is… The moment I wake up, instead of going on Facebook, instead of reading a newspaper, instead of consuming news or media – I go straight onto YouTube. I search for ‘motivational‘ or ‘confidence building‘ or ‘positivity‘ or ‘morning motivation‘ videos. Something like that.

And generally, I will listen to something by people like Les Brown, Tony Robbins or Eric Thomas. Essentially you’re going to find the same people – these motivational speakers who have dedicated their lives to motivating, inspiring, building and creating confidence and ability-building perceptions in people like you and I.
You listen to at least 10 minutes of that as a morning motivational routine, every single day, every day, first thing in the morning. And you’re going to find shifts occurring in your belief, your mindset, and in your approach.
It won’t happen straightaway. But the more you feed it, the bigger that belief becomes. Because the only thing that can change – or one of the main things, I should I say – that can change beliefs, is time and repetition.
Feed Positive, Motivational, Confidence-Building Information Into Your Brain
So if you feed positive, motivational, confidence-building information into your brain through audio like that, every single day, Every single morning for 10 to 20 minutes every single day. And you repeat that daily in your morning motivational routine. You will see a shift over a period of days, weeks and months as time goes on.

You will have belief in yourself. You will not let things stop you. You will not hit barriers and freeze, and pause. You will keep going… Because these people, their information, their words, can infect your mind in such a positive way.
In the same way, think about this… If you were to listen to someone moaning and complaining every day, what would happen to you? You would feel negative, you would begin to moan, you would begin to complain. And you would look for the bad in everything, because that’s what you’ve fed into yourself.
But if you listen to the complete opposite, what do you think might happen? The complete opposite, of course!
Do This For The Next 10 Days
So that’s my big tip for you. One big thing. You do that one morning motivational routine – and test me. Put me to the test. Start doing it, even if you don’t believe in what I’m saying (you’d be crazy) but even if you don’t, test me.

Do it for the next ten days. First thing every morning, at least 10 minutes listen some Les Brown, some Tony Robbins, whoever it might be on YouTube. Every morning, 10 minutes. First thing you do soon. As soon as your eyes awake, grab that phone. Put the headphones in if you want, so you really tune into it. And listen for 10 to 20 minutes.
Do this morning motivational routine for 10 days – test me – and see if you approach your days differently by the end of that. See if your belief has started to change, your approach starts to shift. And then if you do find that, keep it going. And I guarantee you will.
With that said, I’m here at Internet Profits HQ. As I say, we’re in the new car. It is amazing, and it’s the is the product of hard work and believing and achieving, as it says here on my arm.
Thank you for watching and I will of course speak to you again soon in “Unique Selling Proposition Examples – Your Personal Path To Prosperity” – another episode of The Drive. Take care and have a great day.
Words to get one going through the day and on their way!
So important how you start the day, isn’t it?
It is, you see!
Start off each day with a win.
Make your bed is an easy win not something you put off and never do. Think or write down positive thoughts not negative thoughts in any way!
Sound advice, thanks.
I listen to Evan Carmichael’s motivational Youtube channel every morning and this is so true.
Thanks. I actually repost a lot of Evan’s great videos here: