Find Your Reason Why: A Short Motivational Speech From Dean Holland

Do you know your “Why?” Dean Holland gives a short motivational speech here about the need to find your reason why and doing what it takes, at the end of his trip to Russell Brunson’s ‘Mastermind’ workshop for online entrepreneurs back in 2018…
“Good morning, welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean Holland here. So today is my last morning here in Boise, Idaho. I’m about to set off back home. And what a trip it has been!
We’ve discussed so many different things… The direction of our “Just The Tips” podcast that I do with James Friel, with whom I’m staying with over here.
We’ve also discussed my webinar, which is coming out as, “The Best Webinar Ever!” So much. Gosh! My brain is fried.

So I just wanted to come on here to say, “Hi”, and give you a brief update on where I’m at. I’m literally leaving Boise in, like, two hours. I’ll be getting on a plane to start my journey back to the UK.
And I know I said this the other day, but I really want to emphasise this…
You Have To Be Willing To Do What It Takes In Your Business
Now for some of you that’s going to mean investing in a mentor. For some of you that’s going to mean travelling to an event. For others that’s going to be working and getting more focused. Or breaking bad habits that you’ve currently got.
But the bottom line is… Only YOU can change the things that need to be changed. No one can force you. No one can make you do it. The only way that you can find the strength to do it, is to understand your ‘why’ – find your reason why.

Last night, I phoned back to the UK and spoke to my mum, and spoke to my fiance. Y’know, for me it’s all about family, and providing, and giving them the life they deserve, as well as myself.
And so you’ve got to find YOUR reason why, to be able to do this. Maybe you’ve got children and grandchildren. Perhaps you don’t like who you work for. Or even just don’t like just working for someone else.
Dig Deep And Find Your Reason Why
What are your reasons why? Find them. Dig deep. Find your reason why. And then do what it takes to make it happen, to change your life.

But ultimately I would say, above all, don’t go it alone.
Find people that are smarter than you, doing what you want to do. And give them whatever they need. Pay them whatever they want, to be able to get their help.
Y’know, not only do I spend tens of thousands of dollars a year to get help from Russell Brunson, but I also sacrifice 20-plus hours in the air to travel to get here every single time.
So never forget that only YOU can change – to do the things, and to accomplish the things that you want in life. And I’ll leave you with that short message, so I can get to the airport.
Until next time, take care. Bye bye for now.”
Just a short motivational speech curated for you today from Dean Holland. Will be back here again soon with “Connecting With Customers Online: Emotionally Connect With Customers” – another instalment of The Drive for you to read and enjoy.