Ways To Challenge Yourself Daily In Your Business And Life

If you’re looking to make changes or improvements in your life or in your business, then you need to find ways to challenge yourself daily, or at least every week. Dean was given an exciting challenge on his podcast, and he’s got some great ‘challenge yourself’ tips to share with you here…
“Welcome my friends. Dean Holland here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ. Hope you are well. Another fine and glorious sunny day, here in England. I hope you’re having a great week.
Busy, busy times here at Internet Profits. Working on some big picture stuff and setting up some pretty exciting things, like high ticket sales systems.
Something Pretty Exciting Happened Yesterday…
…courtesy of a podcast guest that we had. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this on The Drive before, but I do actually run a podcast with a good friend of mine – Mr. James P Friel. We run a podcast called, “Just The Tips”

The whole premise of our podcast is that it’s fun, light-hearted. We have guests on, and we also do shows with just the two of us.
And the whole idea is that we want our listeners to feel like they’re just sitting with friends around a table, having great conversation about something they’re interested in.
Yesterday we had Ken Dunn who owns a book publishing company, and also works with authors to write their amazing books, and publishes them. He’s published something like over 4,000 books. An amazing guy, funny as well.
And yesterday… So, why I’m saying that this was a more exciting podcast than others, is that Ken set us a challenge… A challenge that we both gratefully accepted.

That challenge was this… He is going to support us both individually, to each write a book within 30 days, spending no more than 10 minutes a day. That’s his kind of system – how to write a book in 30 days or less, with just 10 minutes a day.
And so he’s taking each of us under his wing individually to do it, using his system. Then the book that he deems is the best, or whoever’s the winner… He’s going to publish that book, and put it into leading bookstores around the U.S. and send us a thousand copies of our book!
So… The Challenge Is On!
You can take something pretty powerful from this, on ways to challenge yourself daily. And that’s why I’m sharing it. Because yesterday, James and I said, “Right, it is on! Game on!”

If you’re anything like me… I think this is probably that business person inside me, that entrepreneurial spirit… I’m a fighter. I don’t like to lose. I don’t mean I’m a physical fighter – I’m not entering the UFC anytime soon!
But I am a fighter. I do not like to lose. And so, a challenge to me is a very serious thing, y’know. I don’t show up in any area of life to come second. I show up to win!
And that’s a side of me that is very ingrained in me, I guess, from a young age. My mum’s the same. I’m a winner. I love to win. And losing is not a good thing (chuckles) coming second is not a good thing.
Y’know, I used to hear people say, “Well it’s the taking part that counts.” Screw that! I show up to win, alright? And so should you.

So the lesson from this is – setting yourself challenges. Finding ways to challenge yourself daily. If you thrive off stuff like that, like I do, then what a great thing it is to set yourself challenges that test that side of you – that make you fight for the win.
You can even challenge yourself, right? “How many opt-ins did I get last week? How many leads did I generate in my business? This week, I’m gonna beat it!”
Ways To Challenge Yourself Daily
Set yourself these challenges every week. I’m gonna beat last week or, y’know, every day I’m gonna beat yesterday. Every day I’m gonna do better than yesterday – in whatever area… Whether that’s business, life, health, wealth, fitness…

“Every month I’m gonna…
- Do more for my spouse.
- Increase our results in the business.
- Make sure that I’m exercising, being healthy, and eating healthier than I did last month.
Always incremental improvements. And find ways to challenge yourself daily!
The thing is – that which you monitor or measure, you can improve. Something like that, whatever the saying is. So start to measure, and start to improve. Challenge yourself daily, and make it fun.
So anyway, that’s my random rambling of the day, here on The Drive. And I will of course see you back here with “Sales Funnel Optimization: Always Test And Try New Things” – another episode of The Drive.
Take care and have a great day. This is Dean Holland signing out. Bye bye for now.