What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur Online Working From Home?

Have you ever thought about becoming an online entrepreneur and starting your own business in order to make money working from home on the internet? This raises the question, what does it take to be an entrepreneur online working from home? Here are some important tips and advice to help you succeed online where almost everyone else fails…
“Hey, hey! What is happening, my friend? How are you doing? Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits headquarters on this fine, glorious morning. Today is looking bright and beautiful, I gotta say – both outside and in.
Because today there’s a ton of stuff happening. Let me give you the quick lowdown before I give you a bit of a message… Something I want to share – something I’ve been thinking about, and seeing a lot of stuff about online… What does it take to be an entrepreneur online working from home?

But before we get to that…
I Just Want To Share With You What’s Happening Today
One of the things I love to do is keep you up-to-date on what’s going on behind the scenes at Internet Profits.
Firstly, we are opening the doors today to a very exclusive (20 places only) coaching program for 20 people. This is only available for our Certified Partners…
So that’s very exciting, because I love figuring out where people are stuck in their businesses. And then providing the absolute best solution to them, to fix their problems and allow them to continue on towards their goals and whatever they’re looking for in life. Y’know, their vision of success. We’re really doing that again, and I’m excited to open the doors to that opportunity.

Another big thing that’s happening, right now: It’s about 8:20 in the morning, and the team leader of the coaching division here at Internet Profits is on his way. He’s staying with us for a couple of days, because we’re gonna be building out a new step-by-step blueprint.
Again, one of the things that I always do – and I encourage you to do this in your business as well – is NEVER SIT STILL. Constantly be looking for the areas in which you can perform better for your potential customers.
I’m not talking about the inner perfectionist. As in, everything has to be perfect before you launch anything. I’m talking about always looking at;
How Can We Support Our Customers And Clients Even Better Than We Already Do?
And I believe that we’ve identified a key area in what we do, where we can massively improve.
So our head coach is coming down for a couple of days. Today we’re going to be planning out, and then tomorrow we’re gonna be shooting a ton of video content. I’ll share more about this going forwards.

But essentially, we’re shooting an entire (we don’t know exactly yet until we plan it) twenty to thirty day, daily steps to getting more traffic, building your audience, and increasing sales – daily, from scratch… This will be for anybody that doesn’t have anything in place yet.
So we’ve got that going on. That’s obviously a big, big deal. He’s on his way now.
We’ve also got a webinar later on tonight. It’s at 6:00 p.m. Eastern. Obviously we’re in the UK, so that means 11:00 p.m. for us. We will be delivering some great training and content, and then making the opportunity available for people to apply to become a Certified Partner with our company.
And yeah, that’s one of the main big deals of today. I’ve got a call with somebody about Facebook Ads. I also have a webinar at 2:00 p.m. today. I have two podcast episodes that we’re hosting. One is with Brandon Carter, otherwise known as The Keto King. You may have seen his ads all over the place.

So today is freaking busy, right? And here’s the thing… Here’s what I want to say…
A lot of times people hear me reel off stuff like that. Y’know, I have the same number of hours in the day as everybody else. And often people say, “How on earth do you get so much done?”
What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur Online?
I want you to know that building and running a business it isn’t easy. Most people, particularly our industry – the whole ‘make money online’ ‘internet marketing’ ‘home-based business’ industry…
They’re peddling BS and crap online, forcing down people’s throats that ‘you can get rich overnight’. ‘You can do all this kind of stuff, and it’s push-button simple.’

Y’know… ‘Click this, click that, and BOOM! Watch the commissions appear.’ And it’s nonsense! Absolute nonsense! It’s everything I stand against. It almost makes me throw up in my own mouth – it’s sickening!
And I tell you why I feel so passionate about that. Because for the first four and a half years of my trying to make money online, back between 2004 to 2008, I believed a lot of that garbage. And it led me on this spiral that sank me financially, emotionally, physically. It made me ill, nearly crippled me with debts.
And yeah, I made a lot of bad decisions. Let’s not force the blame elsewhere. I made some stupid, naive mistakes. But there was also a lot of garbage that led me down sickening paths of of lies, deceit, cheap scams, and untruths. So…
Everything I Do Stands Against That Garbage!
And I want you to know that you can absolutely build a business if that’s what you desire… One that can afford you to be your own boss. To supplement your pension, to support your family better, to have some more comforts – stability, security, freedom.

You truly can have it. It’s what we do. We help people go from employment to entrepreneur. We’re leading a movement of everyday entrepreneurs. Just ordinary people that want more. Because it’s okay to want more, and you can have it…
But it’s not gonna come without sacrifice, work, commitment – putting in time, energy, money, resources. Y’know, it’s gonna take sacrifice.
But if you’re willing to do that, and you have the right help – the right people leading you, the right support, the right system, and the right strategy…
You Can Absolutely Live A Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
I’m living, breathing proof of that. And the fact we’ve also, to date, helped almost 800 people in the last few years with what we do, as Certified Partners – to go from struggling, to results and making money. Knowing what it take to be an entrepreneur online working from home.
I’m not saying all those people are making tens of thousands a month yet. But I’m talking about seven hundred and ninety six, or so, people that are actually now making money. And they’re growing that by their commitment, consistency, and implementation, every single day.

And if you’re willing to do that. Willing to accept that it takes work. Then you can do it too.
Most people are willing to accept that they’re going to work for 40, 50 years of their life, to just ‘get by’ and live a mediocre life. And then retire with an ‘okay’ pension, and ‘okay’ standard of living.
Why not work a few years of your life on something new – to the extent that most aren’t willing to – to live the way that most people never can?
That’s what I stand for. And that’s what we stand for here at Internet Profits.
And so, anyway, I’m now here at Internet Profits headquarters, on this fine, sunny day. It’s time to jump in. As you know, I’ve got a lot to do!
So with that said, until “Focus On What You Want, Because What You Focus On Grows” – the next instalment, thank you for joining me here on The Drive. I appreciate you taking the time to come on this journey with me. Until then, take care. Bye for now.