How To Start An Online Business Which Remains Successful

Starting an internet based business is extremely attractive to prospective self employed sole traders because of the perceived low financial overheads to launch and run such an enterprise.
So is starting a successful online business easy then? Certainly not! Even with affiliate marketing, the easiest way to make money online, which I will discuss further down this page.
If it’s true that 97% of new businesses fail online, how on earth do you go about join the top 3% that succeed?
There Are Several Core Business Models

…you can choose from such as e-commerce direct selling, drop-shipping, franchising, freelancing, consultancy, digital information products, affiliate marketing, and so on.
Then there is a massive learning curve of trial and error to surmount if you’re really committed to formulating and running your unique business on your own whichever model you operate.
By far the most common and successful business to start online is that of being an affiliate marketer. It can literally cost nothing to get started and make money with affiliate marketing.
But the cost here, once again, is the trial and error learning curve which can be brutal and most often defeats all but the most resilient die hards with time on their hands.
Thankfully there’s a far more sensible and certain way to becoming the owner of a successful online business. And that is to find a business mentor who’s already trodden the same path you’re about to start out on.
Your new mentor can give advance notice of the likely pitfalls and guide you carefully to your own success with the certainty of her or his actual hands-on experience.
You MUST Have A Successful Business Mentor, With A Proven Track Record

Now I’m not going to get all possessive of my business mentor and tell you to go and find your own. His name’s Dean Holland and there’s plenty of room for all his new business partners to make enough money online to quit their day jobs.
Dean’s a straight up, true and honest guy who has certainly ‘walked the walk’ of real struggle and personal financial risk in order to realise his success. He’s mentored many complete beginners to their life-changing online business success, and will be continuing to do so for the forseeable future.
Dean Holland is the founder and CEO of Internet Profits Ltd, previously known as iPro, which is a UK company dedicated to helping ordinary people who have a dream of starting an online business to make money on the internet, but have no experience or knowledge of how to do it or even where to start.
Dean and his team are masters at developing high converting sales funnels which lead customers, for example in Internet Profits, starting from a free plus shipping offer which leads compellingly on through a range of superb low, medium and high ticket products and services, all the way to high ticket sales of $5,000 and beyond for the most expensive products.
I’m going to share with you a couple of amazingly telling comments Dean made very recently about his Internet Profits business and sales funnels (one that you can ‘partner’ into with Dean – more on that later).
Dean: “How’s your sales funnels working out for you?
Here’s our funnels working before 6 am this morning, that’s $5,761.40 whilst I was in bed. And I’m not showing this to brag, I could show much better days if I wanted to do that but I do show this to share something with you…

It’s odd looking back at the different stages my business has gone through since I began this journey back in 2004.
I’ve made a LOT of mistakes, more than most in all honesty but I probably take more risks than the average person too.
I’ve tried many different business models over the years in search of what truly made me happy, some worked, some didn’t… but even those that did make money I actually didn’t like that much.
The biggest one that comes to mind is doing product launches, I used to rely on them for my income.
If they went well it was a great way to get a list of customers and then I’d simply recommend products as an affiliate to them and earn commissions each day.
(This is the model most are working with online and maybe even you reading this?)
Problem is, not all launches go well… your income is not predictable and it’s certainly not sustainable, if you want to make more you have to launch more and as your email marketing begins to die down and lose response you need to keep adding more buyers to it by launching more products – no thanks!
It’s a scary position to be in when you don’t know if you’ll have an account full of money or very little at all after months of work!
With that said though it wasn’t easy to quit product launches, walking into the unknown to try and create a sustainable business…
To leave behind everything that’s paid your bills and given you a certain lifestyle you’ve become accustomed to, that’s a tough move to make I’ll tell you and it came with pain for some time.
BUT if you want a REAL business that’s what you need to do.
Product launches can be great to get you an influx of customers, but they should be the cream on top of an already profitable pie.
The best move you could ever make for your business and the future success of your business is to build a sales funnel that converts cold traffic.

A sales process that takes people form being a visitor on your website, and leads them through a series of steps…
Steps that turn them into a new customer, then into repeat customers that buy more… Converting some into members that pay you a recurring fee each month… and finally into high ticket clients.
When you can do this, you can have all the success you want.
Right now we’re just building out our product line deeper and deeper to serve our customers and clients at the highest level… our top offer is an upfront fee of $75,000… our lowest priced offer is free.”
I often see people talk about how they cannot convert cold traffic and so they take the easy route of exclusively relying on product launches with affiliates in their business.
I get it, it’s easier that way BUT I assure you that the work you put into creating a high converting sales funnel that ascends customers will be the best investment you ever make in your business
It took me YEARS to get it right, tirelessly focusing on optimising, improving… multiple 5 figures spent on copywriters to improve my customer acquisition process…
It WASN’T easy… it was tough and painful.
But was it worth it?
Well they say a picture tells a thousand words… in this example this picture shows thousands of dollars…

That was before I turned on the computer today, that’s what a high converting sales funnel can do for you on an average day
Think long term, think sustainability… go get it”
So we can clearly see that Dean knows what he’s doing here. He’s actually spent tens (probably hundreds now) of thousands of dollars developing, testing and refining his sales funnels to achieve the very highest conversion rates possible.
Goody for him, perhaps you’re thinking? And what’s all this got to do with you?
Well if you’re ready and willing to see a slice of this action for yourself, Dean’s offering to ‘Partner’ with you in his Internet Profits business…
Internet Profits – The Deal Of The Decade!
When you join with Dean Holland by becoming a Certified Partner, he becomes your very own Business Mentor and…
- You get full access to Dean’s premier flagship sales funnels and all of the products and services contained therein.
- You get to profit from these very same sales funnels that makes Dean millions every year.
- You get up to 90% commisions on all front end and recurring sales and 50% commissions on high ticket sales, up to $1,100, $2,500 and more per sale!
- All you do is drive traffic to your choice of a selection of lead capture pages and then Dean’s genius sales funnels converts traffic like crazy.
- Internet Profits gives you everything you need to start driving real traffic from day one.
- The highest level of training and support given to Internet Profits Certified Partners is unsurpassed, whether you’re an absolute beginner or an experienced digital marketer.
There don’t have to be significant ongoing costs. Once you become a Certified Internet Profits Partner all of the above, and much more, is yours. You will actually start to…
Make Money Within The First Hour!

…or so, while you go through the initial Ignite Digital Business training modules, taking in and absorbing everything Internet Profits has to offer.
If you’re new to internet marketing and making money online, so much the better. You will not have to unlearn all the half-baked and outdated methods which have littered the internet for years.
Newbies who join Internet Profits often tend to do much better at first than those with experience of trying to make money online. This is because they’re much more open to the new, modern and unique video training modules available to Internet Profits Certified Partners, with more being added all the time.
Want To Know More About Internet Profits?

Dean runs FREE Live Webinars every week, usually on Tuesdays, where he gives out training in the methods he uses which have proven so successful for Internet Profits Ltd. and its Certified Partners.
Free slots become available to book on the Friday before, right up to the start of the event – or until it’s fully booked.
So if today’s Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday – you should be able to…
Hi Matt,
Thanks for sharing Dean with your community.
Usually, it is not always that a mentor is shared easily by a successful student who has learnt under the master…the reason, of course, is simple: people hardly share the good.
Your generosity is this commendable.
Be certain to make the day great.
Akaahan Terungwa
Thanks for the comment Akaahan
One of the purposes of my blog is to share everything that’s working for me.
There is room and wealth enough in the internet marketing sector for everyone to carve their own fortune.
The benefit of a strong and innovative mentor is a vital component for success (as long as you take the advice on offer!)
I like your article on backlinks by the way.