Steps To Starting An Online Business Or Achieving Anything You Desire

Whenever you embark on a new business venture online, there will always be numerous steps to starting an online business that will confront you. So, here’s a short piece of key advice from Dean Holland, about how to succeed in starting and building a business online.
So two pieces of advice… Number one: Commit yourself to one thing. And number two: only focus on learning enough to take that one step forward. And when you’ve done that, then you can learn another piece, alright?
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that, in order to take action, in order to see progress, in order to take the first steps to starting an online business… that you need to learn everything about given subject.
Because the reality is this: There is a very minimal chance of you ever knowing everything there is to know about something.
Hey, good morning! Welcome to another episode of The Drive.
Y’know what I was just thinking about… is how, as humans…

We Tend To Want To Learn Everything About Something
If I look back to certain times in my life, and certain times in my business… I realise one of my mistakes was trying to know it all, right? To try and learn everything there is about something.
And what I realise now, years on, where my business is at today, is; you don’t need to know everything, for where you’re at right now. You just need to know enough.
So Let Me Give You An Example Of This
Let’s just say I like pizza, okay? So I could buy a pizza and eat that pizza and enjoy it. Do I need to know how to make the dough? No, right? I just needed to know that I liked pizza in that instance (and how to buy one).
Now that’s not the greatest example, so let me think of a few more. Let’s just say, how many times did you walk into your bedroom late at night? You’re going to bed, you’ve shut off all the lights, it’s dark.
So you flick on the light switch when you walk in the room, so that you can see. And now the lights come on, right? You can see. Now this just happens naturally right – you walk into a dark room, you flick on the light.
Do You Need To Understand How Electricity Works?

Do you need to understand how that electricity is in that room? How when you flick that switch, the whole thing’s working? How that electricity is being delivered to your property?
No! You just know that, “I want the light to come on… I flick that switch.” That’s it, right?
All you needed to know was how to flick that switch. How to turn on that light. You didn’t need to know anything else.
So when you think about things in that way… If your business, right now, is at ground zero. Meaning you’re not making any money each month. All you need to do is – learn enough to take that next step forwards.
Okay, let’s just say…
If Your Goal Was To Get To $10,000 A Month
You don’t yet need to know what to do to get to 10 grand a month. You need to know what to do to make that first thousand dollars, okay? Or that first sale. Or that first hundred bucks.
And when you’re there, then it’s like, “Okay, I’m making $1,000 a month. What do I now need to know to take me to two thousand dollars a month? Or five thousand dollars a month?” Then when you’re there, “What do I need to know to take my business to ten thousand dollars a month?”
Does that make sense? I see that this is actually…

A Vast Mistake That So Many People Are Making
Because everybody gets stuck, or a lot of people get stuck… in like what I would call, “the learning zone.” So they would continually think, “I don’t know enough yet to do that.” I don’t know enough to take action.
You you only have to know and learn enough to take that next step to starting an online business. For example… here’s a prime example of me, many years ago, when I was first learning how to set up a blog. I didn’t know, first of all, what a blog was, okay?
So I had to just learn, “What is a blog?” Then, “Oh, now I know what a blog is.” Okay?
Next, “How do I install a blog?” So then I had to watch tutorials. Now, did I just watch a ten minute tutorial and then, like magic, I went away and did it?
No! What I had to do was watch 30 seconds, pause it, and then implement. So I didn’t know what was going to happen in five minutes time. I just knew what was happening for that next 30 seconds, then I could implement it. I just had to…
Know Enough To Take That Next Small Step Forwards
And I would suggest for you, in your business, particularly if you’re in those earlier stages… that if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, if you find yourself a bit lost, a bit confused, not sure, uncertain about what it is that you’re doing… then I would suggest that it’s probably because you’re trying to learn too much, okay?

So two pieces of advice. Number one – commit yourself to one thing, and number two – only focus on learning enough to take that one step forward. And when you’ve done that, then you can learn another piece, alright?
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that, in order to take action, in order to see progress, in order to take those first steps to starting an online business or achieving anything in life… that you need to learn everything about a given subject.
Because The Reality Is This…
There is a very minimal chance have you ever knowing everything there is to know about something, okay? Think about that. If you are trying to learn everything, chances are you’re chasing your tail and it’ll never happen.
So, I hope you don’t mind me sharing that. That was just something I was thinking about last night and this morning… About how a lot of people fall into that situation of trying to learn it all, and never therefore, actually implementing, and never therefore, actually moving forwards in their business.
So with that said, we are here at Internet Profits HQ. Time to head in and crush out the goals. Talk to you soon in “Life Hack To Increase Productivity And Stop Feeling Overwhelmed“. Thank you for joining me on this journey. And this was another episode of The Drive.