Example Of Sales Funnel Conversion Rate Optimisation Using Split Tests

Here’s how we performed sales funnel conversion rate optimisation, by split testing a small change and picking the winner. When you do this over and over, you craft a higher and higher performing sales funnel for any product…
“Made a couple of changes to our new sales funnel for our new book offer yesterday. And the stats are looking good.
I wanted to just share a couple of things that you might be interested in hearing. So let me share some of what we did…

A Couple Of Sales Funnel Conversion Rate Optimisation Things
We have recently launched this brand new sales funnel. And when we say ‘launch’, we’re not into the big 7-day, hyped, massive scale product launch. I’m all about evergreen long-term assets, that can work for your business for many, many years to come.
And so we put this out. We had it optimised and in a great position, and made it available to our Certified Partners.

One of the things we do when we’re getting a new sales funnel ready – a new customer acquisition funnel… Right now, we’ve launched a brand new book for affiliate marketers called the Affiliate Marketers Playbook.
What we basically do… We launch it privately – just me. I drive my own traffic to it, and we optimise it. And then, when we’ve got it to a great position, we make it available to our Certified Partners.
But we never stop optimising. One of the things we always do, is continually optimise. We’re always testing things because…
You Don’t Know What Works Best Until You Test

I’m constantly trying new things – testing – little split tests of changing certain words.
One of the awesome things that happened this week… We tried a couple of things out, and it made a good difference, a positive change – a small bump in conversions on the sales funnel.
So yesterday – although it’s a little too soon to say – but yesterday I did a small split test. And it was actually really small things. I changed what the order button said. And I made a couple of graphics ‘desktop only’ – so that for people viewing on mobile, it made for a better mobile experience.
And it looks like it’s already increased the conversion rate on the front-end – the people actually ordering the book. We’ve managed to increase it by something like 1.2 percent. It’s too soon to say though.

But I guess the message of the day really is like, ‘always be testing’ – to improve conversion rates and to get things to that best position. And…
Don’t Underestimate What A Tiny Little Change Can Make
Like, I changed… The text on the order button said… Well it’s a 2-step order form, right? So they fill in their name, address, phone number and email. Then they press the first button, and it goes through to their card information. There’s another button there, to complete the order.
Well, what I had was on the first button it said something like, “Yes! Send Me The Book”. And then the second one said, “Complete Order”.

Now, what I changed it to yesterday was – the first button now says, “Go To Step #2”. My thinking behind that was, it’s keeping the ordering process open, and it’s just more logical to “Continue To Step 2″… Therefore getting more people to complete step 2 – was my thinking behind it. And we’ve seen a bump in conversions of a couple percent of people that are filling out step 1, going through to step 2.
Then instead of saying, “Complete Order”… Because I remember…
Something My Mentor, Russell Brunson, Said To Me Once…
He said, “As soon as you tell people the order is complete, it closes the buying cycle.”
And I thought of this yesterday, when I saw it. I thought, “Well, I don’t want to close the buying cycle because I’ve got a couple of one-time offers to show to our new customers, that they can choose to add to their order.”

So I changed it from “Complete Order” to “Order Now” – I think I’ve changed it to something like that. This seems to have made a good little difference, but we’ll see as time goes on. Seemingly very small changes. But they’ve made a difference – a positive difference.
So always be testing is the thing I’m sharing here. Always be testing. And never be surprised that seemingly insignificant changes can make a significant impact to your sales funnel conversion rate.

I thought I’d share that with you today. We’re now here at Internet Profits HQ. I look forward of course to seeing you again next time with “The Key To Success In Life And In Business: One Simple Tip“. Have a good rest of your day and I’ll be back soon.”
Hope you got some insight into how making small changes and then running split tests can incrementally optimise your sales funnel conversion rate. Takes patience, a methodical approach, and some measure of marketing instinct to foresee what might be that small improvement worth split testing.
And all along I thought funnels belonged in my kitchen! 🤪
Online marketing industry jargon 😉
I know. I was being funny. I’m all about sales funnels!