Sales Funnel Optimization: Always Test And Try New Things

There’s an important life lesson to be learnt here, whether or not you know anything about sales funnels. Testing and trying out new things to achieve better sales funnel optimization is critical for the profitable growth of your online business. Dean Holland’s got some inspiration for you about this today…
“Hey hey! Good morning. Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ on this glorious sunny day right now. I am late today because I’ve just been for a haircut.
You’ll notice that I look a little slimmer on top right now. While I was in the US recently, I missed my getting my hair cut, so had to go and get it done this morning.

Got a lot of recording and filming of video to do over the next couple of days. Am actually flying back out to America again next week on Tuesday. So, I’ve only got a few days left here before I fly back out there.
Gonna go and see Mr Russell Brunson. Heading to the Clickfunnels headquarters to attend a ‘Mastermind’ that I’m a part of. And also spending a few days with my wonderful podcast co-host, Mr James Friel.
Sales Funnel Optimization And Testing
So, today what is going on? I just said I’ve got a lot of video to do. Well, we’ve created and built (or are finishing off) a completely different version of our latest offer and sales funnel.

I like to test things out, and rightfully so. So I’m testing something out. I’m testing a new angle with the front end, and I’m testing something different with the upsells.
We’ve got something that I think can truly help people a lot. And I want to see how best to get it into their hands. So I’m testing something out to improve the sales funnel optimization. Not gonna spoil anything here yet. But I will definitely talk more about this soon.
Y’know, something that something that Russell and I have… This little thing, where we’re trying to ‘one-up’ each other with something… Currently it’s this one; called the ‘thank you page webinar’.
One-Upping Russell Brunson
There was something I saw him doing and I was like, “Huh, that’s really good”. And so, I took it and combined it with something else that I had seen and learned in the past. I was like, “Wonder if I can improve it?”

And then I came back with, “Ah Russell, I think I think I’ve done something really cool with that thank you page webinar thing.” And he looked at it and he was like, “Ah, that’s really good.”
So then he went and ‘one-upped’ me… He took that, and he did something different with it. And Russell, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but I’m coming for you! I think I’ve one-upped you again with my sales funnel optimization.
I know I’m being really cryptic right, like, “What’s he on about?” But anyway, nonetheless, the message of the day really – what you can take from that- is always be testing and trying new things.
Don’t be afraid to test stuff, right? A lot of times – I’ll be honest, probably more times than not – things that I try fail. Meaning they don’t improve what we have. They make it worse.

But how do you know? I see so many people, in so many different areas of life…
People Settle, Because They’re Afraid Of Pain
They’re afraid of getting something wrong. Y’know, I see people all the time who are afraid to place that Facebook ad, or to to spend some money on advertising.
They’re afraid to buy that product or program. Afraid to invest in themselves. Why? Because they’re afraid of failure. And sometimes, afraid of success. But I encounter more people afraid of failing than succeeding. But they are both very real things.

And when it comes down to… y’know, “I’ve got a working sales funnel. It’s great. It’s taking traffic, and it’s turning it into customers, and then delivering value. And we’re breaking even on our traffic costs.”
But do I sit back and say, “Oh, okay. That’s good enough”? NO! I’m like, “How can we structure something in a way that’s going to get what we have into the hands of more people?” Because that’s what matters, right?
I fully believe, with absolute full conviction in every part of my being, that what we have is the best for the people that it serves.
And so it is my DUTY to get this into the hands of as many people as possible. So if I’m not daring… If I’m scared to take risks that could potentially mean our stuff gets in the hands of more people, then I am doing a disservice to my audience. That’s what I truly believe.

So… Take that, and understand that there is more pain in sitting still, than there is in taking action. In all areas of life, there is more pain with staying stagnant and going backwards, than there is with taking steps forward and taking risks.
Anyway, I’ll leave you with that thought. I’m just at the store here now, just about to run in and grab some milk for everybody in the office for their teas and coffees.
With that said, have a great rest of your day. I will of course be back soon with the next Drive, “Two Ways To Change Your Emotional State And Get Into The Zone“. This is Dean Holland signing out for another day on The Drive. Take care.