High Time For An About Me Update

It’s been such a long time since I posted in my About Me category. So some sort of update is long overdue.
Had a bit of a slow autumn and drifted away from the business and blog. I let other things in life kind of take over for a while. Lots of personal development; life lessons, reading, courses etc. All constructive stuff and has really paid off for me.
I spent early autumn on a YouTube project which was more of an experiment in content syndication and back-link building. I learned a lot about workflow automation, which is now hugely benefiting my current marketing activities.
A horrible bout flu for about 5 weeks took me right out of circulation for most of November and into December. Then after a quiet and peaceful Christmas and now into the New Year of 2017, like many, I am now having a solid reboot of my business activities.
I’m currently posting every day on my blog, but I don’t know if I can (or want to) keep that up! I think it’s important to maintain that as a goal, but I’ll not lose sleep if I miss a day or two here and there. As long as I’m working on my business in other areas, especially social media marketing.
For me in 2017, Twitter will be a strong channel of exposure and lead generation. I have numerous ‘persona’ accounts in several related niches which are taking off nicely. Semi-automatic works really well on Twitter and there are some great tools to achieve this in a really natural, organic and engaging way. But logging in every day and interacting with your Twitter audience is very important. Still some work to do with the semi-auto on some accounts, and then get them all on to Statusbrew.
I’m feeling that Instagram will soon be the next step for me, as I use Gimp pretty much every day for all kinds of graphical work. However I must make sure I don’t start too many projects though, manage my time effectively, keep up with the blogging, and use workflow automation tools as judiciously as possible.
So there you have it. All up to date at last for now.