How To Start A Blog – 10 Tips To Start Blogging
Ten Tips For Starting A Blog

Hi, I’m Jacks and welcome to Make a Change TV where we’re gonna can help you and your business shine online.
Now today we have a question from Jenny…
Hi Jacks, I hope you can help me. I finally feel inspired and ready to start my own fashion blog. But the question is how do I start a blog, and more importantly, how to start a blog that people want to read. Hope you can help, Jenny.
Well Jenny, all I can say is girl you have come to the right place. I get this question asked literally on a weekly basis, and I’ve got ten top tips that are gonna help you create your blog today.
Top 10 Tips To Start A Blog
1. You need to know your target market. Who are they? What do they love? The more you know about your target market, the better connection you can create with them.
2 . It’s time to get some clarity. You need to know ‘who are you’… You need to know who you are, what’s the thing you want to be known for. Ask yourself, how are you going to stand out from the crowd. This is going to help you have a unique edge
3 . What’s the reason behind your blog? Are you looking to raise your profile? To get sponsored? To get hired? What is it that you are trying to achieve?
4. This is a little bit techie! You need a WordPress website, you need hosting of that website. And you need somewhere for it to sit, in the big ether of the internet. You also need a domain name. This is your www dot!
5. Outsource anything you don’t get, you don’t understand, anything that needs a professional edge. So for instance; design work – outsource! Some copy writing – outsource! Outsource everything that’s not your speciality.
6. Find out what your target market, your readers, your viewers want to watch, what they need in their life and create more of it. Don’t be afraid to give them your best stuff.
7. Be consistent with your content. Plan your blogs and your v-logs so they have a purpose to help you grow your business.
8. Make sure you have a contact form on your blog so people can get hold of you can ask you questions, so you can start to build an interaction with your readers. Another little tip… Ensure that you have business social media pages, have a professional bio on the front of your blog or somewhere where people can find out a little bit more about you and your experience. And lastly, ensure that you have professional images and design work on your blog.
9. Collect emails from your readers. It could be a newsletter signup, it could be some amazing free content that you’re giving away in exchange for an email. But once you’ve got your readers emails it means that you can continue the communication, you continue building the relationship even
when they’re not on your blog.
10. I want you to remember that nothing is perfect, which means just get it out there! Get those ideas down into your blog and get it out there and share it with the world.