Finding Self Motivation: Why Is Self Motivation Important In A Business?

Why is self motivation important in a business, or for college students? Entrepreneurs, home business owners, and college students alike, need to excel at finding self motivation for their work or their studies. Today Dean dives into the harsh truth of finding self motivation for your work, when you’re on your own…
“No one cares about your dreams!
Now listen to what I’m about to say – figure out the truth behind the meaning of what you’re about to hear… And your life will never be the same again.

Good morning everybody! It is Dean here, of course. Welcome on this journey to Internet Profits HQ on this fine, fine day.
Every day is a fine day, right? Any day when you’re doing what you want to do, and you’re working towards what you want to work towards is a great, great day.
I said to somebody yesterday – and it’s absolutely true – something I’ve heard in the past. I don’t know who said it, or where the quote comes from… But if you’re doing something you love, and you’re doing something you’re passionate about…

You Will Never ‘Work’ A Day In Your Life
When I was thinking about that yesterday, and I was sat in the office doing what I love… I’m working on a product that I know can help so many people. We’re working towards launching this new Affiliate Marketer’s Playbook.
I’m looking out across the office at my team, and I’m realising that I’m doing exactly what I love. I’m hanging out with people everyday who are awesome. And I’m never gonna have to work a day in my life – and it’s a great, great feeling – and I want that for you too.

And so, if you’re not currently doing that, I want to tell you something that will help you in finding self motivation… And to start with, this is maybe gonna make you be like, “Er, what?” Or, “That’s NOT cool!”
No One Cares About Your Dreams
Now, what am I talking about? Am I saying that your family, your parents perhaps, don’t want the best for you? Absolutely not. Of course they do.
Or am I saying that your loved ones don’t love you, and don’t want the best for you, and don’t want you to have what you want to have? Of course not.
Am I saying that for me, as a mentor, that I don’t care about my clients or Certified Partners dreams and goals? Absolutely not.

I do what I do, because I love to help people, and I like to have an impact and add value to other people’s lives.
BUT… I see a lot of people running around, expecting other people to care more about their dreams, their goals, their outcomes, than they do. And it’s twisted. It’s wrong.
No one is going to give you what you want. Nobody is going to put in the work for you, to build your dreams. No one is going to get you up early, make you stay up late, make you miss that television show, stop you from going to bars at the weekend… And instead, put you in front of that computer to make you do the work – so that you can make your dreams a reality.

Dreams Are Just Goals Without A Deadline
I see too many people expecting their dreams just to materialise, with just pure will and hope. And I see too many people expecting that others should do more for them, expecting that others should give them more – expecting that others should care more – expecting that others should do this, do that, etc.
And I say it again… No one cares about your dreams. At least, not as much as YOU need to. You are the one in control – you are the only one that can find the motivation to change your life.

I say to our clients and our Certified Partners all the time – I can play a part. I can provide you with the knowledge, the skills, the tools, the support, the resources. And I can surround you with like-minded people…
…But I can’t MAKE you do the work. I can’t make you WANT it. Can’t make you get up and grind. I can’t make you put in that extra bit of effort that’s gonna be required of you.
I cannot turn up at your home, force your arm behind your back and say, “You do that work or I’m gonna break this damn arm!” I can’t come and put a gun to your head and tell you I’m gonna pull that trigger if you don’t do this work this week. Or if you don’t put that work in this month…

Finding Self Motivation
…If you don’t find the passion to strive towards your goals every single day, making consistent progress, week after week, month after month – to make your dreams come true… I can’t do that for you. ‘Cos you know who can?… YOU.
Because no one cares about your dreams as much as you should.
And with that said, thank you for joining me, here on this journey to Internet Profits HQ. We are here again for another day.

If you enjoyed this message, please Like, share, and leave a comment. Bookmark and return back here for more of what’s going on – we share wisdom, we share value. And I hope you’re enjoying it, and finding self motivation of course.
Again, thank you for joining me. Until the next episode of The Drive, “How To Start Your Day: An Amazing Thing Happens Every Morning” – this is Dean Holland signing out for another day. Let’s get in there and do this. Talk to you soon.
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