The Most Effective Affiliate Marketing Strategy: Four Core Areas Of Focus

Based upon his many years of experience, from 2004 to date – first in affiliate marketing, and then building his own multi-million dollar business online… Dean Holland shares the four core areas of an effective affiliate marketing strategy…
“Hey, good morning my friend. How are you doing? Dean here of course, just on the way to Internet Profits headquarters.
Got an amazing day lined up today. I’ve got a webinar with our Certified Partners. Going to be doing a 60 minute training on how to make between three and ten thousand dollars a month over the next year as a Certified Partner.

Well, ten thousand dollars PLUS, a month I should say. Because some people are way over that by now. But y’know there’s a lot of people that could definitely change their lives with that level of income. So today I’m laying out…
The Blueprints For An Effective Affiliate Marketing Strategy
And I thought I’d just share a little bit about this with you. Like, “What are the steps? What are the areas you have to focus on, in order to build a business online?”
Now let me just share the background story behind this. Way back in 2004, when I was just discovering that people could even make money on the internet. It was like this big revelation. Of course, now it’s everything I live and breathe – it’s obvious to me.
But I have to go back to a time where I queried, “What are people doing online?” I thought it was just eBay. I thought the only way people made money online was to sell stuff on eBay.

Well anyway, I discovered affiliate marketing and I started trying and buying everything I could lay my hands on. And…
I Got Myself Into A Terrible, Terrible, Frightening Situation
…of being over $60,000 in debt. Having five credit cards, two bank loans and a minus $3,000 bank account overdraft.
And this is all by my mid-20s by the way. Like scary, scary stuff. So that continued… That horrific pattern of subscribing to email list, reading emails… Dozens and dozens of new emails and offers landed in my inbox every single day. Day after day, week after week, month after month.
And I was always buying new products. Most days I’d be buying something new. And these products would range from anywhere like fifty dollars, maybe a bit more, up to five hundred dollars. And then I would start buying more expensive stuff, like five thousand dollars!
That’s how the debts really continue to spiral out of control. Until the point where I had no control. And I was desperate, and I was buying everything because I was so desperate and so scared.

When I was in that position… When I look back… I was so lost. Lost in a sense of… Well, lost in many senses. But the ‘lost’ I want to talk to you about, and then give you the answer to is…
“What Do I Do? What Should I Be Focused On?”
I was putting in the time, y’know. A lot of people I see – they can’t even be bothered to switch off the TV at night. They have to watch TV instead of work on their business – instead of developing themselves and changing their lives.
Now I was putting in the time. My problem wasn’t the time. Because I was working a full-time day job AND working all the way through the night. Trying to build my own online business – trying to make money online.
And so, my problem wasn’t time – I was making time. My problem was not knowing what to do in the time I had. So I want to share with you what those things are that you should be focused on.

If you feel the same – if you have that feeling and you’re like, “I really just don’t know what to do, and what I should be doing.” If you’re spending more than an hour or two a day, and not seeing positive progress. Then you’re not focused on the right areas.
There’s actually four areas you need to have, and learn, and master, and focus on. Four things you need to have in place – four things you need to be doing for an effective affiliate marketing strategy. Whether you’re doing them yourself, or you’re outsourcing, or leveraging other people or existing resources…
Thing Number One… Traffic
None of us, whether you are an affiliate marketer promoting other people’s offers, or you have your own products… You cannot do it without traffic. You have to get people on the internet, through advertising for example, to web pages, okay? So traffic is number one.
Thing Number Two… List Building
When you’re driving traffic, you should be capturing those people onto your emailing list, okay?
Thing Number Three… Follow Up
When you’re driving traffic and building your list, you must be following up. Now ‘follow-up’ can come in many different shapes and sizes. I don’t obviously have the time to get into it here, but follow up when you’ve got their email address can be by email. Follow-up can also be through retargeting/remarketing campaigns and other means.
Thing Number Four… Sales Process
You have to have a sales system, right? You have to have offers you’re sending people to. Now again, that could be your own, it could be other people’s. Personally I think if you’re just starting out, you should be leveraging other people’s. But there’s a right and wrong way of doing that.
So to recap, an effective affiliate marketing strategy comprises…
- Traffic
- List Building
- Follow Up
- Sales Process

Now where most people fall short… Because anyone can get traffic when you learn how. Anyone can build a list and follow-up… Sales system – that’s the KEY. And I want to show you…
I Wanna Actually Give You A Gift…
You may already have this, if you’ve been following me for a while. But I recently wrote a new Playbook. It’s an actual, printed Playbook – a printed book – a short read…
But it gives you everything you need to know about succeeding with affiliate marketing. Because affiliate marketing, as most people know it, is actually dead. It no longer works. That’s why most people are struggling.

So if you go to you can order yourself a free copy of the “Affiliate Marketer’s Playbook”. All you do is cover the shipping – it literally is just covering shipping.
So whether you’re in the US which is domestic, because that’s where our warehouse is – there’s this one set fee for shipping. Or if you’re international, there’s another shipping fee.
Go and grab yourself a free copy… It literally can change everything for you. And it’s gonna show you how, and go into more detail in those areas. And then you can actually start building your business online successfully.
So anyway, with that said – go and grab yourself a free copy of my Affiliate Marketer’s Playbook…
I’m here at Internet Profits HQ. Lots to do today. I’ll see you again soon in the next Drive; “Change Your Life For The Better With This Business Mindset Challenge“. Thank you for watching and I’ll speak to you soon. Have a great day.”