Clarity Of Purpose In Business: Do You Need Some Direction?

How are you doing for clarity of purpose in business? Are you lacking positive direction and the momentum that having a clear purpose in your business can bring?
Here’s some business motivation today from Dean, that might inspire you to search for that clarity of purpose which could help bring the excitement back to your work and your business…

“I feel a sense of excitement flowing through my body today. I’m gonna tell you why…
Good morning everybody. Dean here of course, welcome to the Internet Profits family. Now, today I’m excited, and I’ll tell you why.
You know sometimes, when you’re going about your business… No matter where you’re at, no matter what stage you’re at… Do you ever find that sometimes you feel like you’re lacking a bit of – I don’t quite know how to work this correctly to not be misunderstood…

But are you sometimes…
Lacking A Bit Of Clarity Of Purpose In Business?
…or direction? It feels like you’re just kind of floating through. And sometimes you just don’t always see things clearly some days. D’you know what I mean?

I remember I always used to have this in the early stages of growing my business. Where it was always like, “I just don’t know what I’m doing. Don’t know where I’m going. I don’t understand.” I was lost, frustrated, and confused. And I was almost, like, angry.
Recently it’s not been the same. Not been the same at all, as back then. I love what we do with a passion, like, I LOVE it. And I know we’ve got some of the best stuff for our marketplace.
I honestly, truly and utterly feel like our Certified Partner program, for example, is on the cusp of being…

The Greatest Solution This Marketplace Has Ever Seen!
Now, the reason I say that, “On the cusp…” is because yesterday I was analysing everything. I was on a team meeting, and I said, “You know what? That part there can be better. Like, that piece there – that part of the process of what we do for our Certified Partners – we can make that even better.”
And so that’s why I say, “On the cusp of…” Because we can always be better. All of us can always be better, right?

But yesterday, something… I don’t know where it came from, but… Well, it was at the weekend. It was Sunday. I was buying something – spending about $2,000 on some something for my business. It was a newsletter to do with Facebook advertising.
As I was going through their sales process, something that I read in the FAQ just triggered something. It triggered a thought, an idea in my mind. That was on Sunday evening, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.
And yesterday, I spoke to a couple of guys on my team about it. I shared my idea with them – the concept behind the idea, and why I was thinking it. And they also shared my excitement.

They said that could be a game-changer in more ways than one.
A Game-Changer For Clients, And A Game-Changer For The Company
This idea now, since Sunday evening, has been marinating in my mind. I literally, hardly couldn’t sleep last night. It’s like I’m waking up all throughout the night – it’s just all going round in my head.

Because the thing is, it would be a significant – and I mean a massive change and adaption – to what we do.
I can’t really say too much. Because until I’ve really thought this out, and I’ve spoke more to our clients, and to my team, and to our Certified Partners, it would be wrong to say anything publicly.
But the more I think about it, the more it just makes sense. And it’s almost ‘lit’ this excitement of purpose in me. Because it feels like – I didn’t realise this was the case – but getting this idea has kind of made me think…

“That gives us some real clear defined mission, clarity of purpose, focus on what we’re doing for people, and why. And where we’re heading as a company with these people.”
Lacking Clarity Of Purpose In Business Is Detrimental To Your Progress
And I didn’t realise, but it’s almost made me feel like, “Wow! Were we lacking that clarity of purpose in business before?” I don’t know, but it’s exciting. And so I wanted to just share that today. Because, if you find yourself not driven every day. Like, not striving forwards massively…

I have been, y’know. I’m very driven person, naturally. But it just kind of took me back to thinking, like, there have been times where I haven’t had that. And I think, how detrimental it can be to your progress and your success.
And so I just wanted to share that with you today. We are here Internet Profits HQ. Thank you for joining me of course, until the next time with “Why Some People Succeed And Others Don’t: The Truth“.
I love to share random ramblings, insights, lessons learned, and lots of good stuff – the good, the bad and the ugly – here with you here. So for another day, this is Dean Holland signing out. Bye for now.”

Hopefully that story and update from Dean gave you some inspiration and motivation to define your own clarity of purpose in business. Because it’s so important to be able to clearly see and understand the direction you need to be taking in your business to succeed.
Otherwise, things may quickly get confusing and difficult for you. And you might even find yourself thinking about quitting, especially if you’re in that early period when you’re just starting out.