How To Grow A Small Business By Working Smarter On The Right Things

Want to know that special, secret formula for how to grow a small business? Turns out it’s not some kind of magic pixie dust. Just plain old common sense, but missed by so many start-up business owners.
Dean talks here about the expansion of his own small business, and what it specifically takes to enable the growth of a small business…
How To Grow A Small Business – Dean’s Story

“Something was said to me at the weekend by my mum’s husband, and it really kind of made me reflect and think about things over the last 24 hours. And I want to share that with you today.
Hopefully you’re having an excellent week in your business and are moving everything forwards. I always talk about consistent daily and weekly progress. Make sure you’re at least taking small steps forwards every single day and every single week towards your goals.
I want to talk about something that happened last weekend. I had a great weekend. One of the things that we actually did, my fiance Robyn and I, we went over to my mum’s house, to see my mum and her husband Malcolm.

And long story short, my mum’s husband used to – for like 30/40 years or so – run a successful plumbing and heating company in Nottinghamshire, here in England, which he recently sold and retired from.
We were talking… I’ve been going through for the last 12 months – I don’t talk a lot about it – but my company…
Internet Profits Has Been Going Through A Massive Transition

Huge, huge changes and transformations, and reinvestment back into the company here at Internet Profits for the last 12 to 14 months.
If you’ve followed me for longer than that, you’ll have seen that I went from running the business out of my home office – the garage that we converted. To now… We’ve got our main UK headquarters here, 2,500 square foot.
We’ve grown the team, we’ve grown the company, we’ve grown the resources. I’ve reinvested hundreds of thousands of dollars. And in all honesty, the reality is, it’s been a stressful, challenging time. It’s been exciting, but it’s definitely been challenging – more so than I thought.

Because it really took me out of my comfort zone, y’know. We were doing very well, outgoings were very low. But I knew that in order for us to be able to continue to grow and achieve what I know we’re capable of achieving, we had to expand. We had to grow the infrastructure, we had to grow the team.
Cracks Were Beginning To Appear In The Business
And it was causing problems. So I went through all these changes, and now we’re definitely in a much better and more sustainable place. And a much more exciting place.

Whereas before, I started to think, “Geez, the cracks are beginning to appear are that big. Are we gonna make it through?” I didn’t think we were gonna completely collapse. But we were going backwards instead of going forwards, if that makes sense.
So I made all these big moves. And it’s been a very scary, but exciting time. I think the bottom line is, whenever you step outside your comfort zone, it’s like a huge deal, right?
It’s the same no matter where you’re at. I remember having the same feelings at the start of my business – leaving my job. Or at the start of just getting on a video for the first time.

And anyway, back to what happened at my mum’s. So we were talking, and everybody’s asking how things are going and, y’know, asking how I feel now. Am I nervous, am I excited? And we’re talking it all through, and I was saying, “Obviously I’m excited. It’s just challenging. It’s different, exciting and new.”
So what ended up being said was like, “Dean, with the amount of effort and hard work you put in – it’s going to work. There’s no way it’s not going to work.” Y’know, “The people that don’t make things work are the people that don’t work at it, or don’t work on the right things.”
And I kind of took a step back from that afterwards, and I realised it’s true, it’s correct. I remember when I wasn’t getting results, when I was struggling years and years ago, 10+ years ago. It’s because, not only wasn’t I putting in real hard effort, but…

I Wasn’t Actually Working On The Right Things
So when you bring those two together – and you put hard work in, and you’re focused. and you have the right help and advice to help you focus on the right things. It’s only a matter of time – it’s only a matter of ‘when’ – it’s not ‘if’.
The people that are questioning ‘if’ they can do it, are because they don’t know ‘if’ they’re working on the right things. They don’t have the right support and mentoring, they don’t have the right resources. And so they’re not necessarily putting the hours into the right things.

A lot of people… I know from having tens of thousands of customers now… A lot of people are putting in the hours, but they’re putting in the hours on the wrong things. Because they don’t get the right help. They don’t invest in themselves.
And that’s something I’m always, continually doing. I’ve just joined, for example, a two thousand dollar a year newsletter and private group on Facebook advertising. Because I really want us to know the best, and be associated with the best, and have the best advice.

And that’s why I pay Russell Brunson 25 grand a year. That’s why I continually invest multiple tens of thousands of dollars every year to learn from the best, associate with the best, and surround myself with the best. Because by doing that, I will always get the best chances of continual success myself.”
So anyway, that is that is today’s message. With that said, have a great rest of your day. I’ll be back again soon with “Clarity Of Purpose In Business: Do You Need Some Direction?” – another episode of The Drive. Until then, take care.”
Now that you have some insight from Dean into how to grow a small business. Do you know for certain if you’re working hard on the right things? And are you ready to grow your own business beyond your comfort zone, like Dean did?
Great! Sometimes,we focus on the wrong things and we wonder why things aren’t changing. Thanks for sharing
Agreed. And without help and mentoring from someone further down the road you’re on, it’s very hard to know specifically what the right and wrong things to focus upon are.
Thanks for the comment.