How To Overcome Fear Of Failure In Business: Dare To Be Bad!

Whether you’re right at the start of your business, or at a stage where you’re expanding into new areas and disciplines, being fearful of not succeeding can often hold you back or slow you down. Daring to be bad – not Michael Jackson “Bad” – but just plain bad when attempting something new, is how to overcome fear of failure in business…
“It’s just past 8 a.m. in the morning, and boy am I excited! Last night I was watching some stuff and trying to figure a few things out for a webinar that we’re doing. And that dreaded, amazing, bittersweet thing happened to me, where I get an idea in my head and – there we go – I couldn’t sleep!
I had to grab my phone, scribble lots of notes down on this notepad app that I’ve got – and then get it all out of my head. Because I always worry, “What if I fall asleep and I don’t remember this idea!?”
So now I have this notepad app, that I can jot everything into. And it syncs to my gmail and sends me a copy of the notes to my email inbox. That was me last night. Went to try and get an early night in bed. Read for an hour and, lo and behold, I was lying there awake for like three hours or something. But…
Today, I Want To Pose Something To You…
I know most people that listen to or watch The Drive, are in a position where I used to be.

Meaning you’re stuck in this stage, where you’ve been trying and buying tons of products – and you’ve been trying to figure things out for probably years. And yet, nothing seems to be quite working out the way you hoped.
If I look back to me, when I was at that stage, there were a few things that I was constantly told that I needed to do. Like, “Oh, you should get on video.” Or, “You should build an email list.” And many more different things.
And I used to have all these fears and these beliefs in my mind that were holding me back. For example, when it comes down to getting on video I used to think, “Well, I don’t know what to say…
“What if…
…I mess up?”
…people judge me?”
…I say the wrong things?”
…people laugh?”
…I’m no good?”
…I don’t know what to do?”
All those kinds of things. When it comes down to email marketing, I was like, “Why should I build a list, when I’ve got nothing of value to share?” Y’know, “Why would anyone want to listen to me, when there are so many successful people out there, and I’m just a complete and utter failure!?”

That’s how I used to feel. Having tried for years and got nowhere, of course that’s how I felt – like an absolute failure. And it was embarrassing to be honest, deep down. Because I felt like I should have figured things out.
But I want to say something to you that I realise now, about how to overcome fear of failure in business and in life. And I know this is easier me saying this now, because I have figured things out. But at the time – back then when I was pushing myself – I hadn’t. And then I saw big breakthroughs because of it.
I want to say something that I want you to apply, and remember, in all areas. Whether you are in that position I just spoke about, or whether you are further on and advanced – and you’re running a successful business…
I Guarantee There Are Times You Should Be Applying This
And that is, to dare to be bad, right? Dare to be bad.

Until you know something thoroughly, the chances of you being even remotely good are slim to none. So if you’ve never done a video, and you don’t know how to do a video, or a Facebook live for example… Dare to be bad.
All the things that you think, or most of the things that you think, are probably going to be true. You’re not going to be any good. You probably will mess up and say some stuff that you didn’t intend to say. And you probably won’t put on the most confident and compelling Facebook Live.
But you’re never going to improve until the day you start. So you need to overcome fear of failure, by daring to be bad.
And when it comes down to moving forwards on some of these things, take risks on yourself. Believe in yourself, take risks, and dare to be bad. If you think about all areas of your life, you could apply that in many, many different areas of your business and your life.

How many times have you gone to post something on Facebook or social media, and then you thought, “No, I won’t say that.” And you delete it for fear of being judged, or for fear of saying something others disagree with? How many times? I bet it’s a ton, right?
How To Overcome Fear Of Failure In Business
Because people fear being judged, fear going against the grain, being polarising. Dare to be bad. Dare to be you. Believe in yourself.
Dare to overcome fear of failure like that, and you’ll find you experience so much more progress. So many more breakthroughs, than trying everything in your own little shell, where you hold yourself back and you restrict yourself.
It’s like wearing a straitjacket – you’re restricted, you’re not gonna go anywhere, right? Like, you should be over there, free, moving and jumping about. But you just can’t move. You’ve got this self restriction on, this limiting belief in your own head that’s stopping you.

So, dare to be bad. Dare to take risks on yourself. And take consistent daily action on those things. Then you will experience breakthroughs like never before.
That’s my morning motivational speech or pep talk for today. I am now at Internet Profits HQ. So with that said, I will of course see you again soon with “Business Strategy Example: Being Clear About What You’re Offering“. Have a great day. Let’s make it count.
Oh, and I believe it was Mark Twain who said…
Twenty years from now… you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than by the ones you did do.
Think about that. You don’t want to live with any regrets. So use this to overcome fear of failure in business and in your life.
See you soon. This is Dean Holland, signing out. Take care.”
Haha I also scribble my ideas down as soon as I can because I worry that if I don’t I’ll forget everything. This is a really helpful post. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the kind comment.
Yes great post, an I hope so well that many of us get is fear for our school system. That memorise good answer. And treat those that make mistakes has stupid. And because of uncertainty at the business world people hold into there comfort.
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