What Is The Biggest Shortcut To Business Success Online?

There are a lot of people that always ask questions like, “What is the biggest shortcut to business success online?”
What is the thing that gets people to succeed?
The majority of people in the online home business industry are struggling, right?
As in… they can’t figure things out, they can’t make things work.
There’s a lot of people that obviously get a few sales, earn a few commissions, and then nothing really continues to happen.
And there’s a lot of people that…
Can’t Even Make Those First Few Commissions
I was exactly the same, y’know.
I first started in 2004, but I didn’t make my first commission until 2008!

Pretty insane when you think about it, right? Like, to be trying to build a business or make money online for four years, before you actually make money online!
The Crazy Thing Is…
…usually by that stage (this was certainly true for me), is you spend so much that it can almost be difficult to see your way out into profit. Does that make sense?
So I was thinking about this, this morning. What is the answer to that question; what’s the biggest shortcut to business success online? What is the quickest way?
Or what is one of the things that can dramatically help and accelerate you from zero to results?
Then even when you’re getting some results, what is the thing that can take you from some results to lots of results, or bigger results?
And the answer is actually the same in many respects, and that is…
The Biggest Shortcut To Business Success Online Is… Leverage!
I’ve spoke about this with our clients and Certified Partners so many times because it never changes, right? Leverage…
Why is it you see some people – their growth just goes wild and fast and insane?
And it’s actually because of leverage… and they get momentum, and they continue to leverage that momentum.
A quick example of this, because I know this is actually such a vast topic – I could probably spent hours and hours teaching on this.

But let me just give…
One Quick Thing That You Can Do To Leverage
When you learn something, or when you accomplish something, or when you achieve something… don’t keep it to yourself – leverage it!
Here’s what I mean by that…
Let’s just say that you make your first commission. What you should be doing is shouting from the rooftops, or in the current age that we live in, shouting out on social media, telling your story, leveraging what you’ve just achieved and accomplished.
Don’t think, “But it’s just $20” or “It’s just $100”. So many people have not been able to achieve that…
They Want To Hear About You, About How You’ve Done It
…and to learn from your story, okay?
Now perhaps you haven’t made money. Perhaps you have learned how to drive traffic. Or perhaps you have learned how to set up a blog. Or perhaps you have added your first 10 subscribers to your email list.
Whatever it is, whatever you’ve learned, whatever you’ve achieved, whatever you’ve accomplished… shout about it and leverage it.
And do so in a way…
That Attracts People To Enquire With You

So for example, let’s just say that you have been studying a product, and you have followed that product and that course, and you’ve got results of some kind – whether it’s built a list, got some traffic, made some money, whatever it is, right?
Now go and leverage that by shouting it from the rooftops – posting it on social media, sharing the story, sharing the results, sharing the excitement.
And then simply say something like, if you’d like to know the program that I follow to do this, then drop me a private message and I’m more than happy to share it.
It’s Opening Up Conversation Without Being ‘Salesy’
And now people are going to message you.
If you’ve got people watching and following, if you’ve got friends on Facebook that are in the same industry also looking to make money online or build a business… and that’s what you’re leveraging.
When people message you, you could say, “Ah, good to speak to you. So here’s what I basically did, here’s the course I bought, here’s my (affiliate) link”. And give them your steps, so people have someone and something to follow.
You’re Going To Start Getting More Results

…because now, more people are going to start following you, listening to you. And now you can leverage again, and again, and again.
And that’s one of the things that is hugely powerful shortcut to success for anyone, at any stage in their business.
Whether it’s your first subscriber, your first visitor, your first commission, or whether you’ve gone from $10,000 a month to $20,000 or $50,000 a month.
Leverage all of that, okay? Leverage, leverage, leverage! One of the fastest ways to shortcut and speed up the growth of your business and your success – the biggest shortcut to business success online.
So with that said it is time for me to get back in and continue on with pre-launch stuff, sales copy, webinar videos. Oh my gosh it is such a busy day!
I cannot wait to get in there. So have a great day and I shall talk to you again in Personal Online Business Mentor: Are You Investing In Yourself? – the next instalment of The Drive coming up.