The Importance Of Self Reflection: Dean Holland And Internet Profits

Dean Holland back from his trip to Russell Brunson’s Mastermind group, thinks back over the massive and rapid growth of his business at Internet Profits. The importance of self-reflection becomes evident when Dean goes on to reminisce about his painful internet marketing roots…
“Good morning my friend. Dean Holland here. How are you doing? We are on the way to Internet Profits HQ right now. Let’s start another day of awesomeness, serving the world in our own little way.
Hope you’re well, doing good, and your week’s off to a great start. Today is a glorious day. Somebody said this – was it in a movie or something?… “Every day above ground is a good day.” Indeed. What a great way to look at things.

So What Are We Up To Here At Internet Profits?
Well, yesterday had a meeting together with those of our team that can actually attend. Just gave them a bit of an update as to what happened, and what what I took away from the ‘Mastermind’ with Russell Brunson and tons of other amazing people in the US over the past week.
And this really is the awesome thing right now. If you follow me on The Drive or on social media at all over the last year, you’ll have seen some pretty significant differences.
I literally went from running my business from home. Y’know, with just a small number of people on the team helping me out. One or two full-time, one part-time. Just running things from home, as a home-based business if you like.

But I’m a very ambitious person. I saw that we could have a far greater impact and do much more than I was doing. I wasn’t living up to my own expectations of myself.
So I decided to go all-in! And I truly don’t believe there’s any other way to do things. And so I went all-in.
I Reinvested Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Into The Business…
Set up an office. Grew the team. Built systems. Had consultants come into the company and help me with tons of stuff… On-boarding staff, recruiting, standard operating procedures, all this kind of stuff.
And so we really have, as of today, quite an amazing set up. Not perfect. Still plenty of room to grow, develop and improve. But compared to where we were this time last year – in an infrastructural basis – it’s night and day.

To the point where, when I was in the US, I probably did no more than 90 minutes at the computer over six days. And that was just checking in on a couple of things, and doing a couple of bits. No more than 90 minutes in 6 days!
And yet while I was gone, during those six days the business was generating tens of thousands of dollars – tens and tens of thousands of dollars. Serving so many people, and making an impact in people’s lives. And that’s ultimately what we’re about.
When I go back and look at it, I remember that things didn’t used to be this way. Y’know, I could go way back.
The Importance Of Self Reflection
When I had a full-time job, I remember getting up at 6 am in the morning, walking my dog, driving 45 minutes to get to my place of work at a construction company. (And here’s where the importance of self-reflection becomes clear.)

Every spare moment I had… Not that I should’ve been doing this, but that was my passion… Every spare moment I had in my job, I would be checking emails, looking at things in my business, going onto the Warrior Forum.
Then I’d finish work at five or six pm, drive home again. It would take an hour to get home in traffic. Walk my dog. Have some dinner. And then sit down at 8 or 9 pm in my bedroom on this little computer working away again, trying to figure out this internet marketing and affiliate marketing stuff.
And that carried on for years and years and years. I would work through to the early hours of the morning, only having a few hours sleep most days before getting up again and repeating the cycle. It was hard, hard graft.

Of course, I work hard now. And I don’t think there’s any substitute for hard work. Yes, you can work smart, but it still doesn’t replace hard work, y’know. And I still remember all those days. I remember what it was like.
Literally the fear, and how I used to feel inside. And…
The Embarrassment, The Shame I’d Feel…
…Because no one knew how much I was struggling. No one knew I’d built up all these credit cards of debts and these bank loans. And it was terrifying!
I won’t pretend that life’s all sunshine and rainbows now. I don’t think it ever really is, y’know. Every new goal you reach, there’s always new problems to conquer.

But what I can say is… Wow! I think I’m having one those reflective mornings, where I’m like, “The internet truly can change your life.”
You just need the right tools, the right systems, the right strategy, the right support… And you can absolutely do it by working hard and working smart.
Working smart comes down to getting the right things in place, having the right support and help. Working hard comes down to the time and the effort you put in.
So anyway, that’s kind of a bit of an update. And something on the importance of self reflection this morning here on The Drive. I will of course see you back here soon with “The Most Effective Affiliate Marketing Strategy: Four Core Areas Of Focus“. So until then thanks for joining me on this journey.
Have a great day. This is Dean Holland signing out. Bye, bye for now.”