How To Get More Followers And Buyers From Any Social Media Platform

Would you like to know how to get more followers on social media platforms and turn them into buying customers? Here are some great free tips from my business mentor, Dean Holland:
“This weekend I was thinking about something.
It followed on from something I was saying to some customers and students of ours on one of our programs last week.
And that is to think about;
“Are You Making It Easy & Simple For People To Find And Follow You?”
So let me explain what I mean.
If I think back to when I first got started online, when I first discovered that people were making money on the internet. It was actually in 2004.
But I didn’t make any money or really experienced any progress or anything really until the end of 2008.
So you may wonder what was happening during that time? Well, I was buying lots and lots of products, y’know.
I’d buy e-books, video courses, software plugins, loads and loads of different stuff.

But when I think back on it…
I Didn’t Actually Have Anything Substantial Or Tangible Online
There was no presence. There was nothing really.
- I didn’t have a blog, like I have now.
- I didn’t have a YouTube channel, like I have now.
- I didn’t have a Facebook page, like I have now.
- I didn’t have any active social media presence.
So when you think about the way in which the Internet and the world as a whole has evolved into the current day. It’s in a position where it is a very social environment.
You only have to look over the last decade – the massive advances and the uprising of social media platforms.
They Have Now Taken Over The Internet
Billions and billions of people across the world are using social media platforms actively.
Even if you think about television… Reality TV, ‘social television’, has taken the world by storm.
You have talent shows, you have things like Big Brother where they take members of the public and put them in a house and surround them with cameras for weeks on end.

And people people sit there fascinated just watching people live in a house!
It’s The Same For Your Business
People like to follow people.
Think about your own habits online. Do you follow other people?
Well if you watch my daily Drive videos, then to some extent that that kind of emphasises my point, right?
What I do with my Drive videos is, I’m documenting, talking about topics and sharing what I’m doing in my company, Internet Profits.
- I talk about the lessons I’m learning.
- I talk about the experiences I’m having.
- I talk about the results.
- I talk about the the things that don’t work, and the things that do work.
I’m Just Documenting My Journey
I make it very easy now for people to find me and follow me. Whereas in the past I didn’t.
And the way in which I view it, and why I even do these Drive videos, and why we do the other things that we do for free…
…is to be able to basically have ways for people that don’t know who we are, people that haven’t yet discovered us – to discover us!
Because only then can we ultimately have people that go on to become our customers, and eventually go on to become our clients.
It’s because we now make it very easy for people to find us on multiple social media platforms.

We Put Ourselves Where Our Target Market Hangs Out
I’m on YouTube marketing. I’m on Facebook marketing. I have an digital marketing blog. I have this online presence.
People can find me easily. People can then find out more about me. They can start to investigate and evaluate whether they want to do business with me.
Some of those people will continue to actually then go on to become paying customers, and high paying clients of our premium programs.
So that’s my message to you today, re. how to get more followers and buyers online.
Look at what it is that you have online…
No Matter Where You’re At In Your Business
If you’re in the very early stages, you can still do all this stuff. You can still document your journey, y’know.
Have a blog or have a YouTube channel.
Have an online social media presence, and just document what it is that you’re doing:
- Share what you’re working on.
- Share what you’re learning.
- Share what you’re implementing.
- Share what gets you results, whether they’re good or bad.
- Share what things you classify as a failure.
- Share all the lessons you learn from the things that don’t work out as you’d hoped.

Just start documenting and putting this stuff online. Because this is the world now. This is how to get more followers and buyers.
This Is The Current State Of The Internet Marketing Industry…
People following real people.
People follow people they can relate with. People trust people they can resonate with, that they’ve followed.
And so you need to make it easy for people to find you. Easy for people to follow you, evaluate and listen to you. And easy to do business with you.
That applies whether you’re an affiliate marketer, product owner or service provider. Make it simple for people to find you.
How To Get More Followers… Stop Hiding Online!
It’s time for you to make your presence known.
Hopefully you enjoyed that message. So with that said, have a great day. And I will course see you again in The Amazing Benefits Of Outsourcing For Small Businesses And SoloPreneurs – another episode of The Drive.
Sharing is the first step to let others know what you are doing or what you are targeting. You should focus on increasing targeted followers. There are many people who can advice you to buy followers to increase the number but this will not help in conversion.
Your focus should be on targeting the specific audience or buyers club.
Thanks for the comment Gaurav.
Yes, it’s not helpful in the long run spending money to artificially boost your social media followers. Much better to share and offer value up front with a high quality content marketing strategy. Followers will gravitate to you naturally and keep engaging with your posts, which will in turn keep boosting your reach.
~ Matt
Quite a great post . sharing and extending your presence on the social media are two factors I have grasped with a lot concern.
The post is simple,clear and brief to understand.
Appreciated. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Love the site, love the content…thanks for all the insight into the little nuances of making a living online. We would all be in trouble if there were no Dean Hollands and Matthew Brewins of the world!!! I could spend hours on this site…
Thank you for your kind words, Joshua.